In Coronation Street, Imran Habeeb (Charlie De Melo) had given up hope of gaining Kelly Neelan’s (Millie Gibson) release. That is, until he discovered a shocking discovery at the eleventh hour that may completely transform his life!
During tonight’s (September 6) double-bill of the ITV soap, the trial of both Kelly and Corey Brent (Maximus Evans) resumed.
Kelly was the next witness to be interrogated, and dramatic moments occurred as the adolescent sobbed as she relived the events of Seb Franklin’s (Harry Visinoni) death.
She told Imran, ‘Corey kicked [Seb] in the back and he collapsed.’ ‘And I laughed, but only because I felt they were making a fool of themselves.’ I wasn’t expecting it to go any farther.
‘Corey continued to kick Seb while he was on the ground, kicking and kicking.
‘I told him to come to a halt! I ordered him to come to a halt! I attempted to get him away from him, but he pushed me away and just started kicking him.’
Kelly described to the jury how Corey left Seb lifeless on the floor before leaving, and that she stayed behind.

She went on to say, ‘I was going to call an ambulance.’ ‘But then he began to move, and I became concerned.’ I knew I shouldn’t have run, but I figured if he saw me, he’d think it was me.
‘By the time I caught up with Corey, he had instructed me to shut talking.’
Sabeen then got her turn to question Kelly, and she didn’t hold back, implying that Kelly had more than enough motivation to assault Seb, given her desire to please Corey.
‘On April 6, 2020, you posted a video of your buddy Asha, Corey’s girlfriend,’ Sabeen explained. ‘You sent it to everyone you knew through text message.
‘A vengeful, envious deed that nearly ended Asha’s life.’
‘Why should we think that you wouldn’t violently assault a boy you hardly know to please Corey, if you can wreck your friend’s life to impress Corey, if you can smack an innocent girl in the face to impress Corey?’ she said.
Imran was stunned as a result of his ex-interrogation, wife’s knowing that things were not going well. He had one more ace in his sleeve, and it was Kelly’s mother, Laura (Kel Allen), who had agreed to testify.
Laura is known for being untrustworthy, especially when it comes to things involving her daughter, but she surprised the jury by giving a passionate statement, assuring them that Kelly is incapable of violence.
Kelly and Imran were both moved by their mother’s remarks, but they didn’t have much time to rejoice since Sabeen was given the opportunity to cross-examine Laura, with disastrous results.
Sabeen informed the court of Laura’s recent run-in with the police regarding child abuse, and how the untrustworthy mother had ordered her lawyer to brand Kelly as “violent, unpredictable, and confrontational.”
Imran’s heart sank as he realised this was not going to end well. Laura even went on the stand to back up those statements in order to avoid being charged with perjury!
Imran delivered a powerful closing argument, telling the jury that Kelly avoided coming to the police because she was afraid she wouldn’t be believed because of her background.
‘She didn’t have a father or an army of attorneys defending her, as Corey did, advising her what to say so she wouldn’t incriminate herself,’ he explained. She only had the TRUTH on her side.
‘However, she believed the system was stacked against her.’ Please don’t give her the satisfaction of proving her point.’
All Imran could do now was wait, since Kelly’s fate was now in the hands of the jury, thanks to Sabeen’s equally excellent closing speech.
The lawyer, on the other hand, was clearly apprehensive, especially in light of Laura’s devastating evidence.

Imran subsequently overheard a private discussion between Corey, Stefan (Paul Opacic), and Sabeen, with Sabeen emphasising that if Stefan bribed any witnesses, he’d better have “hidden his tracks.”
Finally, a breakthrough.
Imran immediately turned around to face Abi, who had been frantically attempting to establish Stefan’s wrongdoing.
He told Abi, ‘You were correct.’ ‘That witness was bribed by Stefan! I overheard him and Corey discussing something.

‘[The cops] aren’t searching in the right places.] I believe [Stefan] is aware that his son is guilty. It doesn’t seem to sit well with him.
Imran begged Abi to keep out of it, but assured her that he would ‘find something to nail’ Stefan with.
Will Imran’s mission be successful? Will he be able to prove Stefan bribed Eli’s father? Will he be able to do so in time for the verdict if that is the case?
Kelly’s future might be at stake!
Furthermore, without Eli’s testimony, Corey’s defence may crumble, resulting in the killer paying a price for his actions.