Georgia Taylor, who plays Kelly Neelan on Coronation Street, has hinted that emotions would be high during her sentence hearing next week.
Kelly was recently convicted guilty during her trial for the murder of Seb Franklin, but the true killer, Corey Brent, went unpunished.
Kelly goes to court to receive her sentencing in next Wednesday’s double bill (September 29).
Imran Habeeb faces yet another difficult situation as he gives an emotional address pleading with the judge to consider Kelly’s traumatic childhood and frail mental health.

The judge’s final judgement is being kept under wraps for the time being.
Kevin Webster later runs across Corey’s lawyer, Sabeen, in the court foyer.
Kevin confronts Sabeen for assisting Corey in getting off scot-free, yet passionately protective of Seb’s bereaved mother Abi.
“Toyah is extremely anxious about the punishment,” Georgia, who portrays Kelly’s foster parent Toyah Battersby, revealed.

“Kelly attempted suicide following the judgement, demonstrating that she is extremely weak and frail. It’s a genuine possibility that the sentencing may push her over the brink.”
Georgia went on to say of Kevin’s fight with Sabeen: “Imran accidentally becomes entangled in the situation and receives an elbow to the face.
“Sabeen rushes up and says she’ll take him to the hospital right immediately, which irritates Toyah since she doesn’t want this lady around. She appears to be appearing more frequently.

“Then, when Toyah arrives at the hospital and sees them together, there appears to be something they’re talking about, which the viewers would recognise as the blackmail over Harvey’s case, but it’s suspicious to Toyah.”
“She’s going with her gut, which is telling her that something isn’t right.”