Following Ari’s sacrifice, the Parata family will confront further difficulty next week on Home and Away.
In other news, Ryder had a panic episode as a result of his recent ordeal, and Justin is having trouble communicating with Alf.
Here’s a complete list of the nine major events coming up.
1. Dean offers Mia some guidance

Ari stays in detention after providing a false confession to Matthew’s murder, while Mia suffers with the burden of an emotional cover-up.
Dean, who isn’t a part of the scheme, suspects Ari’s admission isn’t what it appears to be. He tells Mia about it, stating his opinion that Ari was a new man when he left prison the last time, and that he would never commit a murder again.
Mia decides it’s best not to reveal anything, but Dean persuades her to keep it together for Ari.
2. Tane and Felicity briefly

Tane has instituted a “no girlfriends” policy, and the Parata family has banded together in the aftermath of Matthew’s death. When he runs into Felicity at Salt, he can’t help but fall in love with her, and the two have a hot reunion in her caravan.
When everyone thinks Ari has confessed to murder, Felicity wonders why Tane is keeping his distance. Tane mumbles something about there being some things he can’t tell Felicity.
Felicity takes a step back, wanting to be supportive. She assures Tane that she will be there for him the next time he breaks his own rules.
3. Mia devises a wedding strategy

Despite the fact that Ari is facing a life sentence, Mia expresses her desire for their wedding to take place. She arranges for the ceremony to be held in the prison.
Mia gets advice from Irene, who explains the realities of being married to someone who is incarcerated. Mia says that all marriages are difficult, but she is determined to stick it through.
4. A troubling discovery is made by Mac

Logan invites his ex-girlfriend Neve to remain in the Bay, expressing his desire to assist her now that she has returned after a lengthy absence. Logan threatens to reveal Neve’s whereabouts to the Department of Defense if she refuses to cooperate.
Neve decides to stay since she is afraid of facing desertion charges if she flees the army.
Neve apologises to Mac for upsetting her life when she initially returned and kissing Logan. This catches Mac off guard, as he was unaware of the kiss.
5. Mac makes an unexpected move

Mac begins to regard Neve as a threat, but she takes command of the situation by offering her a place to stay. Logan is relieved since he now believes he can keep both Mac and Neve on board.
Mac is the ideal host for Neve, but acknowledges to Ziggy that it’s a matter of having a potential enemy close at hand.
Logan’s concerns for Neve grow as an injured swimmer is discovered at the beach, and she gets clearly frightened at the sight of blood. It’s apparent that her army experiences are still weighing on her thoughts.
6. Justin irritates Alf

Alf is still chastising Theo for his role in the recent Ryder burial ruse. Justin is upset by Alf’s insistence on blaming everything on Theo.
Justin pays a visit to Alf at home and pushes him to watch all of the stunt films, which show that Ryder shares responsibility for his dangerous behaviour. Alf is displeased with Justin’s suggestion and tells him to go.
7. Ryder suffers as a result of Alf’s actions

Alf ultimately sees the tapes, but is disappointed to see Ryder engaging in such risky behaviour. His abrasive demeanour irritates Ryder, who is already dealing with the trauma of the burial tragedy.
When Ryder has a panic episode in the trailer park, everything comes to a head. Jasmine rushes over to assist him, offering breathing methods to help him relax.
8. Alf becomes adamant on seeing Theo punished

Following the burial act, Alf visits Cash and demands that Theo be arrested for attempted murder. Cash responds that there’s no way, because Ryder was buried of his own volition.
Alf switches tactics and instead accuses Theo of stealing the Polaris, despite the fact that it happened weeks earlier. Theo is taken aback as he gets apprehended for the crime.
9. Dean receives a distressing phone call

Bella needs more serene circumstances, according to Dean and Ziggy, because Neve’s presence at the pier apartment is producing difficulties. Bella is offered the opportunity to live with the couple.
Later, Dean is confronted with his own problems when he receives a phone call informing him that his mother Karen has gone missing.