After learning they are expecting a child, Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) and Dean (Patrick O’Connor) have had to make a lot of changes to their lives. But, one change they didn’t anticipate involves Dean’s son, Jai (River Jarvis).
Dean shows a sketch that has worried him as he gets home from visiting his kids with his ex-Amber (Madeleine Jevic). When Jai is outside in the rain, the picture shows Ziggy, Dean, and the infant inside a home.
Ziggy, who isn’t yet a parent, is likewise clueless, as Dean has no idea what to do. Ziggy thinks to herself later as she is speaking with Justin (James Stewart), “He’s a Parent, maybe he may have some insight.” According to Justin, it seems to be merely a phase of adjustment, and they should keep talking to Jai. Dean, on the other hand, is aware of Mackenzie’s (Emily Weir) intense response when Ziggy and Dean show her the picture.

Dean interrogates Mackenzie on what she is actually thinking about Jai’s photo downstairs in the Surf Club. His sister admits that she virtually grew up like Jai, and it was awful. Once her father, Rick (Mark Lee), had children with someone else, she began to feel like an afterthought and a burden. Dean claims that he’s nothing like their father, but Mackenzie counters that while they both understand this, Jai is still a young child and doesn’t understand there’s nothing to be concerned about.
Ziggy, who is battling in her own way, confides in Justin that she wishes Dean would give the infant more attention. For instance, there isn’t much time left and they haven’t even prepared a nursery. There isn’t enough space in the house because Mackenzie is staying in one room while Jai occupies the other. After taking everything in, Justin goes up to Mackenzie.

After devising a strategy, they set out to locate Ziggy and Dean. It’s time for Mackenzie to leave, she says, and Justin can help Ziggy turn her old room into a nursery by doing so. While Ziggy is overjoyed, she pauses as Dean frowns and asks, “What’s this nonsense about a nursery?” Ziggy shows the scrapbook she’s been using to create the nursery when she gets home. Why didn’t she tell him about her private struggle? Dean is perplexed.