HomeHome And AwayHome and Away fans divided over new relationship: 'Don't do this'

Home and Away fans divided over new relationship: ‘Don’t do this’

Fans of Home and Away are not pleased with the hot new romance between Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir) and her doctor Levi Fowler (Tristan Gorey), but if you’ve been following Summer Bay drama, you’ll be all over it.

For those who don’t know, the main plot is as follows: Mac, a gorgeous, young, successful businesswoman, suffered a heart attack and found out she had a rare disease; fortunately, a very attractive doctor intervened to rescue the day. As she healed, he sat by her bedside, sparks flew, and eventually, Mac and he shared their much-anticipated kiss. It turns out that he is the estranged brother of local band member Eden (Stephanie Panozzo).

As a fan of Home and Away, I was thrilled for Mac to finally have a happy ending, other from having to cope with crippling jealousy that a gorgeous doctor hasn’t appeared out of nowhere to save the day and the only experience I’ve ever had under anaesthetic was thinking my surgeon stated he took six of my teeth.


Levi eventually admitted that he was married, though, since wonderful things in Summer Bay don’t usually endure. They purportedly had a happy marriage. We are here because Mackenzie, for whatever reason, chose not to love herself and to have a serious relationship with Levi.

Even though the two clearly have chemistry, not all fans of Home and Away are pleased with their pairing. This is understandable given that, in between each romantic moment between the two, Levi texts Mac with phrases like “DoN’T tExT mE wHeN I’m WiTh mY wIfE,” which is just a little bit toxic.

‘Dysfunctional’ “I just don’t understand how they can both let this go on, he has a wife that he loves and she doesn’t give a crap as long as she’s happy,” said one individual. “Don’t worry about his wife at home thinking he’s working, shame on you both especially you Mac you wouldn’t like it if it was the other way around!”


Another user sadly questioned, “Why can’t there be a wholesome marriage relationship on H&A?” “Such a dysfunctional show now.”

“This is not what I prefer. Another user remarked, “It seems like the show is encouraging cheating.”


“They’d be a great couple if he wasn’t married but the whole cheating thing gives me the ick every time they’re together on screen,” a person said. “Thought Mac would have more sense.”

Not all fans, though, are angry.

Someone remarked, “Do people forget that this is a show?” “Damn, these comments are a little too serious as if this is real life.”

Another fan remarked, “They’re both such a hot flirts.” They seem like a cute couple to me. His “desirable” eyes are captivating.


“He’s 🔥🎥, don’t blame her,” one additional hungrily admirer remarked.


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