Following an epic brawl with Kat Slater and Sharon Watts, Janine Butcher’s newest con was uncovered on EastEnders.
Kat and Janine have been at odds this week over Scarlett Butcher’s custody, when Kat attempted to acquire custody of her son Tommy’s sister.
Phil and Kat were still at odds on Thursday’s episode (September 9) over Kat’s choice to put Scarlett’s custody case ahead of getting him out of jail.

“It was necessary for me to take the initiative. She is Tommy’s younger sister, and he is concerned about her well-being “Kat was adamant.
Billy Mitchell defended Janine by stating she’s “fine,” but Kat pointed out that she’s only OK if she’s “going across a mountain in Scotland.”
“This is Janine,” Kat asserted, “lying, scheming Janine. She’s not capable of being a mother for more than five minutes.”
Janine would shortly approach Kat in the cafe and request a few minutes so she could fully present her case.

She sought to persuade Kat that she is “totally legit” and capable of “offering Scarlett a wonderful life,” but she made a mistake when she accused Kat and Phil’s cab company of being a front for criminal activity.
Janine then begged with Kat to win her over, saying, “I love that girl so much.” “I know that if I ever want Scarlett back, I need to be an honest and hardworking mother.”
When Zack Hudson walked into the cafe and addressed Janine as “Dr Bernstein,” her disguise was shattered, indicating she’d been up to something fresh after all.
Janine had been passing herself off as a doctor, and had even lately ‘treated’ Sharon’s kid Albie Watts, according to Sharon and Janine.

Janine scoffed at Kat, “Oh come on, you were soaking that up,” adding, “But then again, your brains were usually in your bra.”
Sharon and Kat then got into a slanging fight with Janine, who joked that Sharon would be in a nursing home by the time Albie was ten years old.
“You may shoot as many arrows as you like, but I already know who you are. Poison. Pat [Butcher] would be grinning from ear to ear “Sharon responded with a retort.
Kat had the last word: “Everything will be revealed to the courts. Janine, you’ve completed your task.”
After the fight, Zack came over to Janine and offered her a sympathetic ear, pushing her to ‘prove Pat wrong’ for Scarlett’s sake.

Scarlett’s social worker called Kat later, informing her that the child had ran away from her foster home. Kat sprang to the conclusion that Janine was somehow involved!
Friday’s (September 10) episode will shed light on Scarlett’s whereabouts while also laying the groundwork for a fire to rage through one of Albert Square’s homes.