When Freya’s (Phoebe Roberts) missing lover shows up armed and threatening, it’s an innocent trip away that swiftly turns fatal. In the firing line are Freya, Levi (Richie Morris), and Aaron (Matt Wilson) — who will die young? Is it possible that there are more than one as Gareth exacts his vengeance?
Freya is kidnapped by her psychotic ex, who is wielding a gun. Will he exact swift and lethal vengeance?
Will Levi be the one to take the bullet, or will it be the other way around? As the Gareth drama unfolds, he is forced into the fast-flowing river in a kayak. Is Levi going to drown?
When Aaron (Matt Wilson) is bludgeoned by Gareth in a vicious attack while attempting to save Freya, his future looks bleak. Is Aaron going to die in David’s arms?
Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes), unaware to the turmoil, finds herself in a holiday romance that could evolve into much more.
When Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis) and Terese (Rebekah Elmalogloudivorce )’s becomes bitter, they face their own issues.
And Roxy (Zima Anderson) takes a choice that makes Kyle (Chris Milligan) concerned for his wife’s safety.
Here’s what’s coming up next in Neighbours.
At River Bend, who dies?
The Neighbours go on a fun activities adventure trip, but when Gareth arrives with a pistol and sinister intentions, it will end in bloodshed. The lives of Freya, Levi, and Aaron are all on the line, with Freya being threatened with the weapon, Levi being dragged under the river, and Aaron being beaten to a pulp. Who isn’t going to make it back alive?
Roxy makes an unusual decision
Roxy is ecstatic when a great opportunity presents itself in the form of an impending pitch for Montana Marcel’s Fashion Week. But, rather than jumping at it and grasping it with both hands, she declines, leaving Kyle speechless. He’s anxious that she’s turned it down because he wants a kid, and that her priorities are out of whack. Is there anything else she’s keeping hidden?
Divorce may be a very unpleasant experience
Paul is furious when he finds Terese is pursuing his assets. Is their divorce about to become a shambles? When he confronts her, she flatly denies any involvement. She wants it to be over as soon as he does. Will he believe her assurances, or will he fight fire with fire?
Amy exhales deeply
Zara’s outbursts can all be traced back to how her mother has made her feel, and Amy finally realises that she is to blame. The two begin to mend their ways and are re-united. Toadie notices the magic and tries to diffuse the situation with Zara. Finally, everything appears to be in order.
Dean kisses David
As the gang prepares for their vacation, David reveals a bombshell: he isn’t in the mood for adventure after his spat with Aaron over Dean’s friendship. He’s enraged that Aaron doesn’t believe in him. When Aaron’s life is threatened, this could out to be a grave mistake — will David ever see him alive again? As Aaron departs on his journey, David is still suffering from their fight, and Dean senses the tension. He moves in for the kill – and snogs him – after sensing David’s vulnerability. Aaron was correct in not trusting him.
Is Aaron dead as a result of a brutal attack?

While David is brooding, Aaron departs on a vacation where some major events are about to unfold. Psycho Gareth has escaped and seeks vengeance on Freya. When Aaron notices her being held captive in the vehicle against her will, he goes into hero mode and tries to help. Gareth, on the other hand, isn’t about to let him ruin his plan, so he takes a tyre iron to the have-a-go-head hero’s and body. When David finds Aaron, he is in a grave condition; is David going to lose the love of his life?
Levi perishes in battle with Gareth?

Levi receives information about Gareth and dispatches Ned and Harlow to investigate. They find him and find an enraged little man who wants his side of the storey heard as well. Freya is a stalker who has been harassing him for a long time, he says. Levi is taken aback; has he completely misread her? As they drive to River Bend, his mind is racing, and he knows he must confront Freya. He tells her what he’s found out, and she’s horrified that he’d listen to Gareth’s version of events. Levi is left to nurse his wounds after she storms off. However, he comes upon Gareth while doing so. Gareth brandishes a sword as the two men quarrel about Freya. Will he assassinate Levi? If he does, it won’t be with a pistol; photos show an injured Levi going into a kayak, possibly to save Freya. Levi, however, is tossed into the river when the boat overturns. Is he going to drown?
Is it true that Nicolette has found love?

In the midst of all the horror, there is some good news. Nicolette is smitten by a holiday romance with Kiri, a local girl. The attraction is immediate and reciprocal, and things heat up quickly. Nicolette is afraid of being exposed, but Kiri reassures her. Is this the beginning of a lovely new romance? Is Kiri more than meets the eye, or is there more to her than meets the eye?
Scenes will begin airing on Channel 5 on Monday, March 7th.