Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher) has the best of intentions when it comes to giving his wife the life she deserves, but as usual, he’s gone about it completely carelessly, and it’s going to blow up in his face in Neighbours.
He had the crazy idea that investing in Montana Marcel’s (Tammin Sursok) cosmetics company would solve all of their financial problems, but he had no idea the company was on the verge of bankruptcy. As a result, his marriage is in jeopardy.
He is blissfully unaware of this fact and believes he is a complete financial genius who can make a quick profit by telling everyone who will listen.
Clive overhears him giving this counsel and, in one fell swoop, smashes Karl’s good attitude by telling him the truth about his bad investment. For the doctor, the penny finally drops.
Karl is beginning to have doubts about Montana’s reliability. Is he putting his money in a safe place?
To make matters worse, he’s completely lied to Susan about it after she demanded that he stay far away. He’s starting to worry if it wasn’t such a great idea after all.

Montana senses his energy and works hard to persuade him that he’s made the right decision and would soon be raking in the dough.
When Susan discovers the ripped-up check, she breathes a sigh of relief that he didn’t go behind her back after all. Oh, how little she understands.
And it’s not long until she discovers the truth, causing the proverbial to fall out.
Susan rushes to Montana to beg for the money back, and her pleading pricks Montana’s heart strings enough for her to consider it.
However, she eventually had a change of heart after hearing Susan being extremely cruel to her behind her back. Will she bring the Kennedys to their knees?
Scenes will begin airing on Channel 5 on Monday, April 18th.