Aaron Brennan is viciously beaten up by Freya Wozniak’s missing lover Gareth Bateman and left for dead in frightening new scenes on Neighbours.
Gareth (Jack Pearson) shows up and shoots Levi Canning (Richie Morris) before kidnapping Freya (Phoebe Roberts) during a group vacation that turns into a holiday from hell.
Following Aaron’s jealous altercation with David’s work friend Dean Covey, things between David Tanaka (Takaya Honda) and Aaron (Matt Wilson) stay strained in subsequent scenes (Travis Cotton).

Aaron tries to make amends by suggesting that they both go on the River Bend vacation, but David declines.
As a result, Aaron embarks on the journey without David, with Levi, Freya, Nicolette Stone, Glen Donnelly, Ned Willis, and Harlow Robinson as his companions.
While working at the hospital, David is in a bad mood, which Dean notices.
While trying to console David, Dean makes a move on him, surprising David, who rejects his colleague’s efforts. Aaron’s suspicions about Dean weren’t wholly unwarranted, David realises.

Gareth shoots Levi in the arm and holds Freya prisoner at River Bend as he tries to flee. Freya is forced to go behind the wheel of a van by him.
Both Gareth and Freya fail to notice Aaron, who is seated at the back. Aaron tries to save Freya when the van comes to a halt and Gareth gets out to inspect one of the tyres.
But things don’t go as planned. To Freya’s surprise, Gareth brutally beats Aaron and leaves him for dead after a violent altercation.

Following what happened to Dean, David has a change of heart and chooses to accompany Amy Greenwood (Jacinta Stapleton) to River Bend to visit Aaron.
They’re both taken aback when they see Aaron on the ground, unconscious and seriously hurt, and they run to help.
Will Aaron be okay, and how will Freya and Gareth fare?