We’ve got 35 images from Tane and Felicity’s private Mori wedding, which will air on Home and Away in the UK the following week.
Tane’s (Ethan Browne) and Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) engagement has had a more difficult journey than most, with many bumps in the road. However, the couple will ultimately find happiness when they wed in a private Mori ceremony in the show’s 8000th episode.

During a lovely lunch up at Summer Bay’s lighthouse with music provided by Lyrik, Tane originally proposed to Flick back in November.
Flick was able to persuade Tane that she was prepared to get married in 8 weeks time and re-proposed to him, despite the fact that Tane eventually caught up on Flick’s overwhelming misgivings about getting married and called it all off.
Naturally, everything went wrong on the wedding day when bridesmaid Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) lost control of the bridal car when the bikies (who were trying to kill Cash) damaged it.

After Eden was put in a coma for several weeks and Flick was left scarred from being locked in the burning ute, Flick started to slide downward, turning to alcohol, leaving the house, and eventually breaking up with Tane.
Tane came up to the farm to see Flick after she had finally managed to put the ghosts of her past to rest during a journey to her former hometown to see her foster father Gary (Peter Phelps) and the graves of her parents. Flick renewed her vows to Tane by popping the question to him once more on the beach after they arrived back in Summer Bay.

Flick and Tane decided to start over and keep things simple because they didn’t want anything to serve as a reminder of their failed wedding attempt. and assign Eden and Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) to handle the planning while remaining hands-off.
It’s obvious that Cash and Eden are becoming somewhat sidetracked from their preparations for next week despite having the best of intentions. They are examining each other rather than prospective menus and locations…
Flick and Tane grow frustrated and decide that Cash and Eden have had their chance and that it is now time for them to take control of the situation once more.

Tane again gets down on one knee and proposes to Felicity. On the beach tomorrow! (They have received a total of four proposals, but who’s counting?)

According to Jacqui to Australian magazine TV Week, “Flick and Tane want a simple wedding and just to be married after all they’ve been through.”
Flick and Tane interrupt Cash and Eden’s bedroom shenanigans to let them know they’ve been relieved of wedding preparation responsibilities and all they need to do is make sure they can serve as witnesses the following day.
To keep costs down and the wedding low-key, there won’t be any additional guests, and they’ll celebrate with cocktails in Salt afterward.

The following morning, Tane asks Cash to help with some last-minute preparations since he has a few surprises of his own up his sleeve. That evening, Flick calls the newly deceased Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) to go over her previously practised te reo Mori vows one last time.
When Cash picks up Flick and Eden the following morning to take them to the ceremony, he then reveals that they won’t be heading to the beach as originally intended.

They discover Tane waiting in a clearing when they arrive at a distant bushland, along with the celebrant Tui (Miritana Hughes), a kaikaranga, and some poi dancers.
The person who typically makes the ceremonial call to welcome guests to the place is known as the kaikaranga (Michelle Morunga), and she was last seen there during Ari’s (Rob Kipa-Williams) burial gathering.

Eden starts the music as soon as the call is placed. Cash starts leading Flick down the woodland aisle as the poi performers (Celeste Thompson, Mina Martin, and Rhiana Cooper) start their performance.

It’s the wedding Flick had always imagined, and she can’t help but be overjoyed as she takes in the beauty of everything around her.

The ritual can start as soon as Cash successfully delivers Flick to Tane and the two men exchange an hongi (a traditional Mori greeting).
Tane is incredibly proud of Flick as she gives her vows in his native tongue, which we can translate below, and she is the first to do so.

“Tane, you are my everything. I value you beyond all else because you help me feel complete and secure. Even though I have no idea what is ahead for us, there is one thing I can say with certainty. You should be there every day, please.
Jacqui said of the Maori traditions, “I was very lucky to see it firsthand. “I was genuinely moved,”
“Learning about the customs from Ethan has been very moving. I felt the strain since I had to say my vows in Te Reo Maori. I hope I done justice to the lovely language.
Tane continues to use English as he makes a straightforward promise to Flick in his own vows.

I promise to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you make me because I love you, Felicity.
The ceremonial feathered cape that Tane is wearing, the outer korowai, is then taken off.

He explains to Flick that the korawai symbolises how his love would envelop and guard her for the duration of their lives since it contains the stories of his whanau (family).

With the exchange of rings complete and a few closing remarks from Tui, Tane and Flick are officially pronounced husband and wife.
Cash and Eden applaud as the newlyweds kiss and the pui dancers continue to perform.

Tane is able to pull one more surprise out of the bag as the gang disperses to Salt, where Lyrik and their friends are waiting for them.
Best wishes, Tane and Felicity! Here are a few extra pictures from their wonderful day…