Show executives have informed viewers that next week’s Neighbours episode, which features Leo Tanaka, Krista Sinclair, David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, and Nicolette Stone all taking a break together, will likely be tragic. What occurs—is Veronica McLain, the new villain, to blame?
Take a look at our gallery of 24 images to get a taste of what’s coming.

January 29, Monday: Chelsea chooses to mimic Terese
The newcomer to the show is keen to catch Paul’s eye. Chelsea learns that in order to succeed, she must become more like her ex-wife Terese once Paul becomes sidetracked by her.

Monday, January 29: Paul is questioned by Sadie
Sadie is determined to start advocating for herself, so she inquires about the payment schedule for her recent labour on the Lassiters pop-up stall.

Monday, January 29: Remi is closely monitoring Chelsea.
She finds Cara’s sister’s reticent demeanour strange.

Tuesday, January 30: Nicolette and Sasha have a second meeting, and Sasha gives her a warm greeting.

Tuesday, 30 January: Nicolette remains anxious.
For weeks now, Veronica has been threatening her.

Tuesday, January 30: Sasha and Nicolette are being watched by Veronica.
It makes her sad to see them together.

January 30, a Tuesday: Veronica plans what to do next.
She has threatened in the past to hold David, Aaron, and Nicolette accountable for getting in her way. Is Veronica going to attack them now?

January 30, a Tuesday: David and Paul converse at the café
Will their relationship ever warm up again?

Tuesday, January 30: Santo, the fruit supplier for the Drinks Divas van, is spoken with by Melanie.

Tuesday, January 30: Melanie and Santo went on a recent date.
They haven’t scheduled another meeting because it didn’t go well.

January 30, a Tuesday: Toadie gets closer
In an attempt to show Toadie that she has moved on, Melanie has allowed him to think that she and Santo are still in a relationship.

January 30, a Tuesday: Toadie confronts Santo fiercely.
Will Terese question Toadie’s motivation for becoming involved?

Tuesday, January 30: Paul and Chelsea have more time together.
Chelsea keeps the charm going strong.

January 30, a Tuesday: Paul likes having Chelsea around.
Is he being duped, though?

Tuesday, January 30: Paul meets with Sadie at the Lassiters penthouse, where they have a conversation.

Tuesday, January 30: Jane and Terese catch up.
How is their project for school going?

Wednesday, January 31: Nicolette, David, and Aaron bid farewell.
Together, they are leaving on a trip.

Wednesday, January 31: Jane is hosting Isla and Abigail.
The adults are the only ones travelling.

Wednesday, January 31: The holiday also includes Leo and Krista
The two just started dating.

Wednesday, January 31: David and Aaron cherish their time spent together.
Recently, the pair has been considering their future.

Wednesday, January 31: Nicolette gets used to the vacation as well.
It allows her time to move past Veronica’s intimidation.

Wednesday, the 31st of January: Things start to go wrong throughout the holiday.
Who approaches Leo and Krista? Is this the beginning of a catastrophic turn in the holiday?

Wednesday, January 31: Chelsea continues to push her charm offensive because she wants to get closer to Paul.

Wednesday, the 31st of January: Things appear tight at the Murphy-Varga residence.
Chelsea, are you up to any mischief?