When Roo ends up in the hospital after testing one of Marilyn’s skincare products, Alf will be furious, according to the upcoming episode of Home and Away in the UK.
Next week, Marilyn’s (Emily Symons) new side gig as a brand ambassador for the cosmetics company Stunning Organics starts to go south when her aggressive sales tactics end up getting two of her closest friends hospitalised.
Marilyn answered to the company’s internet ad in an effort to collect money for her son Jett’s (Will McDonald) wedding, but she soon found herself in trouble after having to accept three times as many things than she’d anticipated.

Marilyn resorted to her fellow diner employee and social media whiz Kirby (Angelina Thomson) to help her generate enough business to produce a profit because the corporation maintained that it was the contract she initially agreed to.

A desperate Marilyn stepped things up by offering a free coffee from the restaurant with every moisturiser or toner purchase after a shopping-channel-worthy product demonstration in the midst of the cafe failed to pique anyone’s interest.

Kirby was unsure whether Irene (Lynne McGranger), the owner of the cafe, would approve of the concept, but Marilyn convinced her it would be alright as the sales finally began to pour in.

The following week, Marilyn tells Kirby that ever since their internet promotional video for the deal went live, product sales had been over the roof. Given that she receives a commission for doing so, Marilyn is eager to sign up Kirby as a brand ambassador as well, but Kirby politely declines.

Irene is perplexed when a client begs for a free coffee as the two begin to debate their next course of action on social media. It’s annoying enough that John (Shane Withington) is making the most of his “Free Coffee for a Year” reward without other people trying to cadge one as well!

When the client then demonstrates the items she’s purchased and explains the deal, pointing out that Kirby and Marilyn are seated at a neighbouring table, Irene is not at all impressed.
Irene requests a conversation with them in the kitchen as Marilyn giggles apprehensively.

Marilyn needs to explain herself after Irene calls her out for giving away free coffee despite not having the right to do so. The issue doesn’t get much worse when Marilyn offers to apologise and give Irene some free product samples before trying to sign her up as another brand ambassador!
Irene instructs the couple to resume their job because she is at her wit’s end. Then, it’s Kirby’s turn to become irritated as she questions Marilyn as to why she didn’t first obtain Irene’s permission—she had constantly inquired as to whether Irene would be good with it and had been assured that she would be. Kirby is now worried that her recently acquired position may be in jeopardy.

Later, once Irene has brought up the fact that Marilyn exploited their friendship, Marilyn apologises to her. In response to Irene’s request that she do it on her own time going forward, Marilyn admits that she is anxious about attempting to get rid of the things before the next delivery arrives.

John is attentively listening while seated at the counter. When a significant order for a full box of sunscreen is placed later, Marilyn is overjoyed—until she realises it’s for the surf club. The following morning, Marilyn throws the box at John’s feet while chastising him for treating her like a “pity purchase.”
John protests his innocence, but Marilyn persists in correcting him until Alf reveals that he was the one who placed the order. Marilyn appreciates Alf for his very generous gift while being made to swallow her pride and apologies to John (double standards, anyone?).
The following day, Roo (Georgie Parker) offers to assist by making some product purchases as well. Again with no objections, Marilyn shows her how to use a face mask in the diner.

However, when Roo feels like her face is burning, things quickly go wrong. Marilyn, who hasn’t used the lotion herself yet, is certain that there is only a little tickle as the dead skin cells dissolve.
But Roo is certain that something else is happening because it is obvious that this is not usual. Dr Bree (Juliet Godwin), who is fortunately present in the flat upstairs, says that it appears as though Roo is having an allergic reaction.

Given that the product is intended to include only natural components, Marilyn considers it to be doubtful. However, as Alf reads out the list on the label, he is sceptical (even though they are in fact exactly typical ingredients for such a product!).

Bree tells Roo that no anaphylaxis is happening, but she still wants to take Roo to the hospital for additional testing.
Marilyn feels embarrassed and can’t seem to get in touch with anyone at Stunning Organics to ask any questions.

When Alf returns, he is still fuming as he says that they are keeping Roo inside for a while so they can watch over her. When Marilyn tries to apologise, he informs her that she should be doing so to Roo and inquires as to exactly what kind of garbage she is selling.

Was Roo’s unpleasant reaction to a completely natural component all that it was, or is there more to Stunning Organics than meets the eye?