The worst is yet to come this week on Australia’s Home and Away, when Irene returns she finds Maz has turned the Diner into a beauty shop.
When Marilyn (Emily Symons) offends Irene (Lynne McGranger), she encounters yet another obstacle in her quest to make some quick money this week.
Marilyn (Will McDonald) has been motivated to raise some money so that she may also contribute after learning from ex-husband John (Shane Withington) that their son Jett (Will McDonald) is getting married and that John was offering to pay for it.
Marilyn quickly located the organic skincare firm Stunning Organics online and learned from her prior experience as a beautician that they were seeking for “brand ambassadors.” Marilyn reassured friend Roo (Georgie Parker) that the business was legitimate after doing her homework.

Marilyn was surprised when nine boxes of goodies were sent because she had only expected three after asking Kirby (Angelina Thomson) to assist her in gaining some traction on social media before the products arrived!
Marilyn came to the conclusion that it was her own fault and that she had undoubtedly clicked on the wrong deal given the company’s assertion that it was exactly what she had ordered and their evident unwillingness to accept any returns.

However, Marilyn is now left with three times as many products as she had anticipated, and three more boxes are expected to arrive each week. If she is unable to sell them all, she will lose a sizable sum of money, which will only cause her debt to grow every week.
Marilyn decided to put up a booth in the diner to work on shifting some of the goods while they were working their shift, building on Kirby’s suggestion to have samples of the moisturiser and toner on offer.

When Marilyn started to provide a free coffee with every purchase of a product, Kirby made sure to inquire if Irene, the owner of the diner, would be cool with it. However, Marilyn was certain that Irene wouldn’t mind.
Irene comes to her place of employment this week to find it transformed into Maz’s salesroom. Not only are her products prominently displayed everywhere, but Irene also notices that her buddy is depleting the Diner’s profits with each transaction by including a free coffee with every purchase.

Kirby is caught in the thick of a heated fight in the kitchen.
The worst is still to come, though. Before another shipment of boxes arrives, Irene and Maz’s friendship wins out and they quickly put their dispute behind them.

In a preview for this week’s episodes, Marilyn is shown in Irene’s beach house with boxes of the doomed cosmetics.

It’s been nine months since the Beach House last made an appearance on the program, which was when Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) was getting ready to pop the question to Jasmine (Sam Frost).
Irene shouldn’t be surprised that Maz filled the house with boxes after she made it seem lovely for its comeback on screen.

Maz is becoming more and more anxious about how she will shift so much earnings, so Roo offers to model for the company. The main issue arises though when she uses some of the lotion and develops a rash right away.
Has Marilyn made a serious error as they transport her to the hospital?
The sudden appearance of Kahu Parata (Jordi Webber) is still creating a stir elsewhere in Summer Bay.
Tane’s (Ethan Browne) cousin turned up unexpectedly last week, after Tane had told him whilst on honeymoon in New Zealand with Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) that he’d be welcome to visit Summer Bay at any time.

Flick was a little annoyed by the fact that Kahu was vying for Tane’s attention in only the first few weeks of their marriage after learning that he was like another brother to Tane, Ari, and Mikaere when they were kids (which must be why we’ve never heard of him before!).

Kahu was quick to raise his hand up when Tane told him that he had a boring day ahead of him searching for a new personal trainer for the gym, causing Flick to question how long he was genuinely planned to stay with them.

“Flick likes Kahu but wonders why he’s here and how long he’s staying,” Jacqui said to TV Week. She doesn’t want anyone to snatch her love away because they are still in the honeymoon stage.
This week, Tane offers Kahu a temporary position, but he gets into trouble when he realizes Kahu lacks the required credentials.
“You can’t train people without a qualification,” Tane says.

Kahu cockily responds, “You claimed you were understaffed. “Beggars can’t choose,” they say.
They run into Alf, the president of the surf club (Ray Meagher), before Tane can make a choice. Kahu immediately announces that he is the gym’s new personal trainer after meeting the big cheese.
Tane is placed in an impossible situation, therefore Alf is relieved to learn that the position has finally been filled.

Jordi told TV Week that Kahu “hasn’t quite learned the value of honesty, working hard, and trust.”
“He has a laid-back disposition. This cheeky, entertaining, mischievous, surfer, rolling stone enters the city and brings the music. He has a lot of mobility and a ‘no care’ attitude, which makes him a lot of fun to play with.