Marilyn finds it difficult to bridge the rift in her friendship with Roo. Marilyn is told to leave the hospital right now by Roo, who won’t accept her apology. They’ve been friends for a long time, but things change, according to Roo. Roo has made up her mind to permanently distance herself from Marilyn.
Roo, on the other hand, is happy to see Alf and Mali since she believes they are the reason she is alive. But as Roo lays in her hospital bed, staring down a long road to recovery, she is also reminded of how much Mali, John, and everyone else has healed and is going on with their lives.
Remi and Eden wring their hands over Kirby’s press statement announcing his solo career. Remi is certain that they should write some tunes at last. Eden takes up her lyrics book, her resentment of Kirby giving her motivation. Remi sees immense potential in these lyrics right away, but Eden backs off, realising only how incredibly damaging this resentment-fueled song could be for her once-close friend.
In another scene, Rose has returned after confronting her mother about Samuel, her biological father, when she saw her mother. Bree spends the night with Mali, and she tells Mali how tough the scenario was. Rose is aware of her mother’s need to distance herself from Samuel. Young, afraid, and disoriented, she was. Mali decides to visit Samuel again because of her compassion for the situation, and she would like to invite Mali along.