Hendrix (Benny Turland) has established a reputation for himself on Neighbours over the last four years, going from a troublemaker to someone who appears to have his life together. Both he and his girlfriend, Mackenzie (Georgie Stone), appear to have been doing well recently on the Channel 5 serial, since the young woman has been included in a major modeling campaign. However, in next week’s episodes, they will have a disagreement about their future, which may prompt the youngster to make a decision about whether or not to stay on Ramsay Street or move in with his father, Pierce Greyson (Don Hany).
In subsequent scenes, the turmoil intensifies as Mackenzie becomes sidetracked by her burgeoning modeling career, which was sparked by the Fashion Week expo at Lassiters.
Unfortunately, despite her best efforts to favorably represent the trans community, she begins to neglect her other responsibilities.
This includes her university work and her active participation on campus, where she tries to become engaged in as much as she can to show she is a top student.
Hendrix can’t help but be frustrated that Mackenzie doesn’t appear to care about her education, despite his desire to support her modeling career.
Despite his poor academic performance, he recognizes that his girlfriend has enormous potential if she engages her mind in academic pursuits.

As Hendrix expresses his concerns to Mackenzie, the two become enraged, with Mackenzie accusing her lover of not being supportive enough.
Hendrix informs his girlfriend that she is getting too self-centered and losing who she truly is as the conversation becomes tense.
Mackenzie will be devastated by this, since she has never thought of herself as someone who puts herself first, especially when it comes to vanity.
Though, given her plans to take Australia and the world by storm, the university student may consider dropping school and concentrating completely on her new career path.
Hendrix may end up telling her that this is the end of the road since he can’t stand by and watch her risk everything because he can’t support her.

Mackenzie would be devastated, but she would know it was the correct thing to do because their paths in life are divergent.
With nothing holding him back on Ramsay Street, Hendrix may decide that now is the best time to pack his belongings and leave.
Pierce’s father, after the fallout from his affair with Dipi Rebecchi, left Edinsborough last year (Sharon Johal).
The successful businessman now resides in Sydney, and the previous actor who played him, Tim Robards, was recently reported in the media to be returning to film a few scenes.
This could be connected to Hendrix’s departure from the show, as he chooses to live with his father and begin a new chapter in his life.
Tim has returned to the show after the restrictions imposed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic were lifted, but only for a limited time.
Hendrix’s mother, Lisa Rowsthorn (Jane Allsop), will also be returning, and the two have been filming in Sydney.
After she and a few other members of the crew flew out to Sydney, show producer Kate Kendell teased the return in an Instagram post.
She wrote on the social media platform, “In a post on the social media platform, she wrote: “Thank you to the cast and crew of @neighbours for making this such a memorable shoot. Melbourne, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Both characters have since been confirmed to return, and they may welcome him back to Sydney with open arms.
This would also fit in with the show’s finale, which is expected to air at the beginning of August after the soap’s demise was officially confirmed.
With so many characters’ arcs to wrap up, the writers may decide to let Hendrix leave Ramsay Street as a way to bring his time on the show to a close.
He will have completed his redemption during the previous four years after arriving as a troublemaker and could go on to become a successful chef in another state of Australia.
Benny, the actor who plays Hendrix, spoke about what he would have loved to see happen to his character after his break-up with Harlow Robinson last year (Jemma Donovan).
“There is opportunity for him to develop and learn from this,” the actor remarked.
In an interview with Digital Spy, the soap actor stated, “Hopefully he’ll become better with his choices and decision making.”
“He’ll push through once his attention shifts away from attempting to reclaim Harlow and toward loving himself.”
After more than a year, it appears like Benny has gotten his dream, and Hendrix is concentrating on his own happiness as well as the pleasure of others.
Will his inability to see Mackenzie happy in her modeling career be the reason for his departure from the show?