In Neighbours, Hendrix (Ben Turland) reconsiders his objectives in life after finding the fortitude to notify his family about his lung disease.
If the drama of the last few weeks has taught him anything, it’s that life is short and it’s time to make the most of it, especially with the girl who has stood by his side through thick and thin. He’s had a difficult few weeks adjusting to his diagnosis and dealing with the reactions of his family and friends. After overcoming his mental turmoil, his life-threatening sickness has convinced him that he wants to spend the rest of his life with Mackenzie (Georgie Stone).
Mack is taken aback when he proposes; she had not expected it. But how could she refuse that look?! They announce their good news, and his family is overjoyed for the two of them. They both depart Sydney with their hearts full and their futures bright.
They return to Ramsay Street and announce their engagement there as well. Unsurprisingly, everyone is giddy with delight. This couple has a large following.

They plan a big celebration and invite everyone to show their support for the pair. But, just when Hendrix thinks things can’t get much better, he receives the most significant phone call of his life. Is he close to finding a match?
Scenes premiere on Channel 5 on Monday, May 23.