A major cliffhanger involving David Tanaka and Eden Shaw was revealed on Neighbours.
With a dramatic cliffhanger in the last moments of Wednesday’s episode, the two characters’ lives might be in jeopardy.
The most recent episode of Neighbours followed David, Leo Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, Nicolette Stone, and Krista Sinclair as they left for a leisurely vacation in a secluded area.
There were two bad guys out there, and the excursion quickly turned south. Nicolette was startled to find herself alone in the vacation home when she was met by the spiteful Veronica McLain, who was still resentful of her breakup with Sasha.

Nicolette was having a hard time convincing Veronica that she hadn’t established a secret relationship with Sasha and invited him on the holiday, despite her best efforts.
Meanwhile, while enjoying a romantic stroll together, Krista and Leo were stopped by the deadly criminal Eden.
Eden, who is currently free on bond, informed Krista that he was aware of her pregnancy. With a foreboding threat, he said he would not allow Leo to take on the role of father to the child.
Eden reacted violently when Leo intervened to protect Krista, and a fierce fight ensued.

David and Aaron were watching from a distance when Eden started to swing a rock at Leo, so they hurried over.
David lunged in to wrestle Eden aside, anxious to keep his twin brother safe. His audacious intervention had startling results as he and Eden plummeted from a precipice.
There will be a lot more drama in Neighbours, and the executives have already stated that one of the regulars won’t make it back from holiday alive.
Is this the end for David, or is there going to be another character that doesn’t make it through the week?