Dean (Patrick O’Connor) has excellent news this week on Home and Away, as he is informed he may return home to finish his rehabilitation. The Pier Apartment, however, is not suited for him, so Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) recommends that he move in with her. Ziggy just split up with Tane (Ethan Browne), so why is she moving Dean back in so quickly? Mackenzie (Emily Weir) isn’t thrilled.
Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) and Mia (Anna Samson) have chosen to start the adoption process, but a nasty remark from Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) reminds them of a painful reality: his criminal past might be a huge stumbling block. When Mia (Sam Frost) requests a favorable reference for their application, Jasmine (Sam Frost) surprises them by suggesting she buys them the gym!
Meanwhile, Chloe (Sam Barrett) and Ryder (Lukas Radovich) are having trouble sleeping as they attempt to balance their day jobs with their secret nocturnal cooking in order to launch their new catering business. Is it game over for the ambitious young couple when Leah (Ada Nicodemou) learns the Diner is lacking a lot more spices than usual?
Here’s what’s on tap for the week starting October 11th.
Mackenzie is irritated because Ziggy intends to re-instate Dean
Dean is eventually informed that he may continue his rehabilitation at home, but when medical officials discover that his flat is located up a steep flight of stairs, they inform him that it is not an appropriate location for him to recuperate. With his only alternatives being a rehab centre or a hospital stay, Ziggy’s heart breaks for him and she offers him a place to stay while he heals. Mackenzie, on the other hand, is unimpressed with the plan and confronts Ziggy, explaining that she had just broken up with Tane and now wants to move her ex back in right away?
Tane is still having trouble rejecting Felicity

Despite Tane’s assurances that their time together was a one-off, Felicity is eager to win over the Parata brother. In Salt, she attempts to seduce him, but he’s not having it. When Ziggy stops by while the two are playing pool downstairs, Tane grabs Felicity and kisses her, which both Ziggy and Bella find repulsive. Later, Felicity recommends that meeting new people is the greatest way to get over someone, and the two end up in her trailer just as Cash arrives…
Ari and Mia’s preparations are thrown into disarray by Nikau’s harsh remark
Mia recently offered that Ari and her might have a child together through adopting, and Ari agreed after some thought. The two go to John to pick his brain about Jett’s experience, and John puts a good spin on the narrative since he doesn’t want to bring up his criminal past. Later, Nikau expresses his delight at the couple’s news, but when he learns that Ari has been assisting Dean, he retaliates by asking, “Are adoption agencies admitting ex-cons these days?”
Dean wonders if Ziggy is telling the truth

Dean has decided to return to Ziggy in order to complete his treatment, but as Ari assists Dean inside the home, he accidentally reveals that Tane was the one who broke up with Ziggy. Dean asks Ziggy if they would still be together if Tane hadn’t dumped her. Ziggy attempts to convince Dean that it doesn’t matter because all that counts is that they’re together now, but Dean wonders why Tane had to be the one to abandon her…
Christian offers a startling idea regarding Tori’s future
Christian and Tori are in the midst of planning their wedding when they realise they can go on a honeymoon. After Justin and Leah promise to look after Grace, they discover something else: they have vastly different ideas about what constitutes the ideal honeymoon. Tori prefers relaxing on the beach to Christian’s desire to go hiking in Nepal. Christian is extremely taken aback when Tori mentions London, and says they might even live there permanently, utterly blindsiding Tori…
Mia and Ari get a proposal from Jasmine

Mia and Ari have realised that Ari’s criminal past might be a roadblock in their adoption process, and when they talk with John, he acknowledges that his own record created some difficulties – but they have a better chance if they make their application appear to be in the best interests of a kid. When the couple approaches Jasmine to seek for a good reference for the adoption agency, she surprises them by offering that she sells them the gym – after all, owning a business would look fantastic on their application!
Mia unearths an enigmatic key from a secret drawer
When Jasmine recommends selling the gym to Mia and Ari, both parties have mixed feelings about the idea. Jasmine thinks it’s simple: she sells the property to someone she knows and trusts, and she simplifies her life. The couple soon realises, however, that they do not have enough money to put down a deposit. Mia digs through her box of mementos and pulls out a mystery key from a secret compartment as Ari informs her they’ll have to turn Jasmine down. What is the purpose of it?
Chloe and Ryder had trouble sleeping at night

Ryder is weary after spending the night cooking for his new catering business with Chloe, so when Chloe tells him the next day that she’s accepted a huge new order for that night, he’s taken aback. What will they do if they have to stay awake for another 24 hours?
Meanwhile, in the Diner, trouble is building as Leah begins her stocktake and is perplexed as to why they appear to be using so many spices…
Can Ryder and Chloe’s clandestine usage of the Diner, along with their restless evenings, go on for much longer?