This week in Erinsborough and Summer Bay…
Neighbours, Monday to Friday, 1.45pm and 5.30pm

Monday: Nicolette hosts a party to welcome Kiri to the neighborhood… and to get to know her. After a rocky start, Chloe tells Nicolette about her suspicions about Glen, and she agrees. They make the decision to keep an eye on him in the future… Will they figure out what he’s hiding?
Freya, desperate for money, turns to her estranged brother Zane for help. He’s torn, but he lends it to her after an emotional plea. Even with the money, they aren’t out of the woods yet.
Tuesday: Still in need of models, Amy picks Harlow and Corey. She interrupts their lunch date, completely oblivious to Harlow and Ned’s displeasure. Harlow is doing fine… Until Amy breaks the news to them.
Karl is confident in his investments and offers financial advice to anyone who crosses his path. Clive, on the other hand, does not agree with his recommendations, and Karl begins to doubt his decision to invest in Montana. Is there still time for him to make the right decision?
Freya is enraged at David for stealing Dean’s car key. He visits Dean in a desperate attempt to persuade him to stop playing games. Dean, however, who is hurt and betrayed, refuses to acknowledge what he is talking about. David and Freya are forced to make a surprising decision due to a lack of options…
Wednesday: At the police station, David and Freya make their confession. Levi is irritated by her lies, while Clive is baffled by David’s behavior. They finally find out who their blackmailer is after a series of interrogations. Will they be able to prosecute him, or is it too late?
As she works with Amy on Fashion Week, Ned receives a fiery serve from Harlow, and he realizes he needs to pull himself together. Amy’s devotion and dedication win him over, despite his desire to Harlow. He’s sure he’s made the best choice, but how long will it last?
Thursday: David and Freya are surrounded by love and support following their incarceration, but Freya remains estranged from Levi. Their meeting with the lawyers is terrible; the defense strategy will rely on their post-traumatic stress disorder… to justify David and Freya’s decision to let Gareth die.
Mackenzie is overjoyed that she was able to contribute to the success of Fashion Week’s launch and that she has been recognized by her community. She basks in Montana’s admiration, but she becomes concerned when her next photoshoot clashes with law school – and Montana insists on her attendance.
Despite Montana’s assurances that he’ll see quick returns, Karl is concerned about lying to Susan about his investment. Susan sees his ripped-up check and thanks him for not investing, but it’s a near call. Karl can only keep it a secret for so long.
Friday: Susan, feeling misled by Karl, decides to seek restitution from Montana. Montana feels awful about the mess she’ll make for them, but her plan breaks apart when she overhears Susan criticizing her. Will Susan be able to recover their funds, despite their dissatisfaction?
When Chloe and Nicolette notice Glen behaving strangely near Kiri, they decide to form a partnership. They speak with Leo, who does not believe Glen has malicious intent but vows to investigate further. Glen is in difficulty because he’s been backed into a corner.
Mackenzie enlists the help of her peers to cover for her at university so she may attend the promotional shoot. Hendrix is concerned about her casual approach in school… But he can’t dispute how well she performs on set. He has a sneaking suspicion that Mackenzie is becoming a touch too self-absorbed.
Home and Away, Monday to Friday, 1.15pm on Channel 5

Monday: After Ari’s funeral, Ryder and Theo feel compelled to help Chloe out of sympathy. They should give her some space, according to Justin and Alf. Despite this, Ryder and Theo are pleased about their ‘Ari memorial’ film, which they believe will help Chloe and Mia. However, Justin and Alf advise against it. When Mia and Chloe are ready, they will contact you. The lads are depressed. What can they do to assist Chloe? A rise in the temperature Even if Ryder argues that he isn’t Theo’s mate, Theo and Ryder realize that utilizing their films for good has brought them closer.
Chloe and Bella band together to help Mia, who is despondent and barely eating. Flowers and phone calls from well-wishers seem to go unnoticed. Ari’s absence is reflected in everything in the house. Mia is unable to escape her sadness. Chloe, feeling suffocated and powerless, goes outside for some fresh air. Chloe is given with the memorial video after running into Ryder and Theo. Chloe adores the film and watches it over and over, much to the delight of the lads. When Mia sees it, however, her frail composure crumbles. It’s too much, too soon for her. Mia slams Theo and Ryder for creating the video, calling their actions self-indulgent and disrespectful. The boys are in shock — they were only attempting to assist!
Jasmine lends a helping hand to Mia, showing her sympathy for her husband’s death. It’s a ray of hope for Mia; she’s not utterly alone. When corrective services send Mia a package containing Ari’s belongings, the obstacles keep on coming for her. A photo of Mia and Chloe is in his wallet, a testament to his love for his family. Mia goes to the police station to settle Ari’s murder charge in an attempt to regain control. Cash provides her with a momentary respite — the matter has been closed. They’ll be able to put everything behind them.
As the new housemate, Cash tries to find his social graces with Irene, which Jasmine sees. Cash says that they’ve only ever talked about coffee orders. An uneasy encounter in the kitchen late at night only exacerbates the situation: Irene has Cash get a glass of water in his undergarments. Irene and Jasmine discuss Cash’s apparent uneasiness. Irene assures Jasmine that she has seen everything. She’s not going to be surprised by a man in his underwear. Later on, Jasmine confronts him. Is he reconsidering his decision to move in?
Tuesday: Mackenzie and Logan put their new honesty policy to the test. Logan feels sympathetic to Mackenzie’s grief over Ari’s death. He encourages her to express herself. Mackenzie, on the other hand, does not want a babysitter. She wants a boyfriend who is considerate of her personal space. Honesty does not have to be oppressive. Logan recruits Ryder to be on the Mackenzie-lookout at work while on his support mission. Ryder is hesitant to spy, but he grabs Logan’s phone number as a precaution. Ryder tries to phone Logan at work, but Mackenzie catches him. In an attempt to cover, Ryder pretends to be speaking with a customer, providing Mackenzie with an unexpected exhibition of poor customer service.
What has gotten into Ryder, Mackenzie wonders? When Mackenzie views a clip from the Ari tribute movie, an indelicate Ryder pushes her over the edge. Mackenzie plays the harsh boss card and sends Ryder back to work, despite Ryder’s attempts to apologize. Mackenzie is wounded, but she hides her pain behind a tough veneer. Mackenzie overhears Logan and Ryder conversing and deduces what they’re up to. Mackenzie, enraged, scolds them both for eavesdropping on her. Logan tries to comprehend Mackenzie’s situation, but she argues that he doesn’t.
Cash, caught off guard, admits to Jasmine that he still feels like a visitor in her home. Jasmine takes it personally because she believes he is doubting their relationship. Irene calms Jasmine down when she vents to her. With a gracious ‘get over it,’ Felicity leads Cash through his uneasiness. The role reversal of Cash approaching Felicity for advice makes Felicity very happy. Cash, on the other hand, has no time for humour. In order to get out of the embarrassing housemate situation, he needs a strategy. Cash admits that living with Jasmine isn’t the issue; it’s living with Irene. Felicity reminds Cash that he, too, isn’t a dream to live with…he has his quirks. Apart from the jokes, Felicity warns Cash that delaying the move-in will break Jasmine’s heart.
Felicity attempts but fails to be Cash’s ambassador. Irene decides to take matters into her own hands after Felicity’s mood-killing pep talk. She’ll say something to Cash. Irene sets the rules: Cash is free to be himself. Alternatively, if he prefers, they can all stroll about in their underwear till he’s at ease? That’s a great way to break the ice. Cash shakes his head, indicating that he’ll unwind and be himself. At the very least, try to. That will suffice for Jasmine and Irene.
After the argument with Mia, Theo is filled with remorse. Justin helps him put things into perspective. Theo had excellent intentions, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mia will eventually change her mind; all Theo has to do now is give her some space. Justin helps Theo work through his pain by emphasizing that people act badly when they are hurt. It’s not anything Theo should take personally. Justin, sensing their connection, inquires about Theo’s father, Dimitri. Is he missing him? Theo shrugs, indicating that he is not yet ready to discuss Dimitri. Justin is perplexed as to what happened between Theo and Dimitri. And why is Theo refusing to let him in?
Wednesday: Mackenzie is a tense mess beneath the surface. Ari’s unresolved past is plaguing her and threatens to explode at any moment. Dean, who is completely ignorant, conjures up memories of Ari, which reduces Mackenzie to tears. Ziggy, who is empathetic, follows her out, attempting to comprehend Mackenzie’s outburst. Mackenzie, distressed, adds that she can’t seem to stop replaying her previous bliss with Ari and wonders if she still loves him.
Her guilt makes her stifle her emotions, fearful that the truth will crush Logan. Dean provides Mackenzie with a fresh perspective. Maybe her intense sentiments for Ari stem from a desire for closure. Mackenzie feels dejected, believing that there is no way to find closure if Ari is dead. Dean advises her to find her own way of saying goodbye. Mackenzie pays attention, speaks to a departing Ari from the beach. For her, a small weight is lifted. Mackenzie, relieved, tells Logan that it was like saying goodbye to an old friend. Logan is overjoyed. The lovers have been reunited.
Alf decides to visit Martha in Merimbula. He tries to get Roo to participate, but she isn’t ready to play happy families just yet. Justin tells Roo to make the most of the time she has with her parents while they are still alive…you never know how long you have. Alf’s diplomacy causes a rift between him and Roo. Roo dislikes being pressed into repairing things with Martha. When Alf notices Roo is upset, he relieves the pressure. She’s free to do anything she wants. Alf and Martha, on the other hand, would love to have Roo visit Merimbula. Roo is torn between two options.
Justin encourages Theo to reunite with his parents, but Theo refuses. Justin is perplexed as to why Theo is so ruthless with his parents. He is aware that Theo’s father, Dimitri, was a harsh critic of Theo. However, Theo’s attitude appears to be severe. Justin wishes Leah had returned to assist him in gaining access to Theo’s emotions. Dean is remorseful for not assisting the Parata family following Ari’s death. He notices that the gym is still closed. Perhaps he might assist them in keeping it running? What does Dean know about running a gym, Ziggy asks? He’s only ever done rehab in a gym! Dean, on the other hand, is adamant. There is a way if there is a will.
Nikau and Tane are heartbroken when John returns them from the airport to Summer Bay. The Parata family is feeling the void that Ari’s death has left in their lives now that his body has been returned to New Zealand.
Thursday is a gloomy day. Mia is pleasantly delighted by Tane and Nikau’s unexpected homecoming. Mia finds it difficult to be in the same house as Ari. Everything is the same as it was before he left. Nikau puts up a strong face for Mia, but he’s broken behind closed doors. Tane, despite his anguish, rises to the occasion and keeps the family together. Tane chooses to reopen the gym in order to keep them financially stable. Mia is stuck in a rut, so she replays Ari’s voicemail in the hopes of hearing his voice. Mia has a dream about Ari, and he gives her some wise advise, telling her to keep her friends and family near.
Ziggy and Dean discuss how they can assist the Parata family. Cooked-from-scratch meals, free car services, and yard mowing? Nothing appears to be good enough. Dean has becoming irritated with himself. John participates in the charity brainstorming session. They determine that a fundraising will help them reopen the facility. Dean and Ziggy approach Mia with a crowdfunding plan to assist the Parata family with their expenses and income loss. Mia, on the other hand, throws it back in their faces. She refuses to accept assistance.
Dean makes every effort not to take it personally. Mia was enraged at the crowdfunding suggestion, not Dean, according to Ziggy. Mia is adamant about honoring Ari’s wishes and does not want Ari to become a charity case. However, she must heed Ari’s counsel from her dream, which is to keep loved ones close. Mia apologizes and gives Dean and Ziggy the green light on the crowdfunding page when they’ve calmed down. Mia returns to the gym with a fresh determination to go forward. Tane is relieved to see Mia improving.
Nikau informs John that he must contribute to the family’s well-being. Having an unpaid volunteer job will not allow you to pay your bills. Tane, on the other hand, appears to be feeling the strain of family responsibilities. Nikau encourages Tane to reach out to Felicity and instructs him to take it easy on himself. For a change, Tane should have someone care after him.
Tane seeks out Felicity for some much-needed kindness, following his nephew’s advise. Felicity is ecstatic to see Tane safely returned, despite the fact that she is in the middle of a boogie with her headphones on. Tane appears to be overjoyed to be back at Summer Bay, despite his loss. Roo refuses to see Martha in Merimbula, feeling that doing so would validate Martha’s decision not to receive the transplant. Roo clings to her obstinacy. Roo sends his best wishes to Alf on his journey to Merimbula. The tension between father and daughter has subsided, but Roo isn’t ready to let Martha off the hook just yet.
Friday: Nikau and Bella are reunited with joy. While the guys were in New Zealand, Bella was a responsible nanny for Chloe. After the funeral expenses, Nikau informs Chloe that the family is cash-strapped. Perhaps Chloe might return to the Diner to assist? At the Diner, Irene tries to fill some shifts for Chloe. Chloe plays the part at work, but she admits that she isn’t ready to return to work. Bella reminds her that she needs to be occupied right now. When Bella is finally given some alone time, she demands that Nikau allow her to look after him. Nikau is overjoyed to see Bella again.
The Parata family is gradually regaining their footing. They’re back at work, and they’re back with their friends and family. Things appear to be returning to some form of normalcy… However, Chloe’s act falls apart at work, and she leaves her shift. Chloe looks over to Nikau and Bella, but they’re busy reuniting. Chloe is feeling lonely. Who can she turn to for help? Nikau and Bella are filled with remorse after seeing how badly Chloe is hurt. Bella apologizes for putting Chloe back to work so quickly. Bella will devote more attention to both Chloe and Nikau in the future. Chloe feels relieved to be accompanied by her pal.
Roo is on the lookout for sound advice…
Instead, he comes across John. She’s baffled as to why making the right decision still makes her feel so horrible. John imparts some unexpected knowledge. If he were in Martha’s shoes, he would refuse to accept an organ from his child if it may put them in danger in the future. Roo is surprised. John might be able to understand Martha’s decision.
Tane bemoans the years he was unable to visit Ari while he was in prison. Tane has been the rock that the Parata family needs, and Felicity puts his worried mind at peace. Ari would have wanted it that way. Tane is relieved to have Felicity in his life to help him relax. Tane confesses to Felicity that he sees a future with her, with a restored understanding of what’s important. Felicity feels both flattered and hesitant by his loving revelation. Is she up to the task?
Felicity’s commitment-averse reflexes kick up to high gear. She dashes over to Cash and Jasmine’s house, but neither of them is home. Irene fills in as a romantic advisor. Tane’s perspective is put into perspective by Irene, who reminds him that he’s been through hell. Tane is searching for a sense of stability in his life. He’d naturally turn to Felicity. Felicity isn’t sure she can be that person for someone. Her track record in the area of love screams peril. Felicity is confronted with some unpleasant truths by Irene. She needs to tell Tane if she isn’t ready to be a part of his future. Tane is confronted by Felicity about his deepening sentiments. Is he grieving and clinging to Felicity?