HomeHome And AwayHome and Away's Tane Parata stalker plot escalates in 35 spoiler pictures

Home and Away’s Tane Parata stalker plot escalates in 35 spoiler pictures

Your complete gallery of images revealing what’s coming up on UK TVs starting Monday, October 25.

Monday, October 25:

Tane is on his way to work. But something unusual stops him in his tracks.


Tane’s door has been left with a message. His admirer seemed to have struck once more.

Tane examines the situation. He is dissatisfied with what he sees.

Tane has received a message. It says: “Last night, I saw you. My heart is hurting because of you.”


Tane is very aware of who he is blaming. Felicity, he believes, is following him.

Tuesday, October 26:


Tane is on the verge of collapsing. The gym has received a bouquet of flowers.

Felicity is confronted by Tane about the roses. She denies everything once more.

Felicity is unyielding in her refusal to give up. She claims to have no knowledge about roses.

Tane is convinced Felicity is following him. He wants her to stay away from him.


Cash makes an attempt to interfere. But he doesn’t receive any sense from Tane or Felicity, who are both rowing fiercely.

Cash makes an attempt to interfere. But he doesn’t receive any sense from Tane or Felicity, who are both rowing fiercely.

Felicity is looking for Cash’s help. What, on the other hand, does Cash believe?

Later, Felicity returns to the trailer park. She’s still enraged from the prior altercation.


Cash attempts to interrogate Felicity. He reminds out that similar incidents have occurred before, but Felicity is annoyed because he appears to be questioning her.

Felicity is in for another shock. Tane’s storey is still unfolding.

Tane is rummaging in Felicity’s garbage can. Felicity is taken aback.

Tane is in a difficult situation. Cash has told him that if Tane doesn’t have proof to back up his claims, there’s nothing he can do.

Felicity is curious as to what Tane is up to. Tane believes he can locate the proof he requires.

Tane is on the receiving end of a reversal of fortune. He appears to be stalking Felicity, according to Felicity.

Logan attempts to give Dean some advice. Dean continues to refuse to take his pain reliever.

Dean isn’t interested in becoming dependant on the drugs. Logan, on the other hand, is convinced that this will not happen.

Dean receives some pain alleviation at long last. He tucks himself in for a restful night’s sleep.

Logan and Mac have some alone time. While Dean is sleeping, they get to know one other better.

Logan receives a warm welcome from Mac. She describes how Dean came into her life as an adult and how important he is to her now.

Dean is the object of Mac’s attention. She goes to Dean’s bedside after her conversation with Logan to keep an eye on him overnight.

The next morning, Logan is still at the house. He continues to be a strong supporter of Dean and Mac.

Logan has made a cup of tea for Mac. When he spotted Mac sleeping close to Dean, he put a blanket over her.

A phone call is received by Mac. Martha has contacted Salt to inquire about hosting her mental health fundraising event.

Wednesday, October 27:

Tane and Felicity’s feud is still going on. Despite the lack of proof, Tane believes Felicity is guilty.

Felicity isn’t going down without a fight. With Tane, she doesn’t back down.

Tane is told to leave by Felicity. Is Tane going to have to back off?

The conversation is seen by Jasmine. She’s concerned about Felicity’s safety.

Jasmine is the recipient of Felicity’s rant. She’s convinced that she’s the one who’s been wronged.

Jasmine attempts to be helpful. She desires to remain in Felicity’s good graces.

Felicity also gets some advise from Jasmine. Will Felicity pay attention?


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