The character Ziggy Astoni in the television show Home and Away played by Sophie Dillman is now expecting a child, and the actress has already discussed how’strange’ the experience has been.
Now that she was donning her false tummy, the actress has disclosed a comical behind-the-scenes mistake.

While filming in Palm Beach, fans have been posting pictures of Sophie looking rather pregnant, and she tells Yahoo Lifestyle that the bump is really believable.
Someone who didn’t know I wasn’t pregnant was in the makeup room the other day. He believed it to be true,” she says.
We were discussing movies when I said, “Oh, I sobbed through that movie. Well, obviously you did in your state,” and he turned to face me and added. Hey, this isn’t genuine, I thought,” she laughs.
The actress acknowledges that her on- and off-screen lover Patrick O’Connor (Dean Thompson) is loving the plot and praises the costume department for their “very wonderful job.”
“I believe Paddy enjoys my pregnancy. He continues telling me that suits me well. And I truly believe that I look nice while pregnant, she admits.

Sophie’s unexpected disclosure
The actress previously discussed the “scary” aspect of portraying a pregnant lady with her real-life boyfriend.
She told us, “Talking about pregnancy and having children with your spouse who is your relationship in real life and on set is incredibly odd.”
Although the couple has talked about having kids, they do not have any immediate plans to do so.

While their plot is “amazing” and features “quite normal pregnancy symptoms,” Sophie continued, playing a pregnant character has been “strange.”
“I believe that until you have truly experienced [pregnancy symptoms], you cannot adequately think about them. But since I’m pretending to have them, I now have to consider it,” she said.
It’s very strange, but it’s also very enjoyable. Playing a pregnant woman with mood swings, nausea, and food cravings was a tonne of fun.