HomeHome And AwayHome and Away's Ryder and Chloe break up after rows over Theo

Home and Away’s Ryder and Chloe break up after rows over Theo

Ryder Jackson and Chloe Anderson of Home and Away are about to call it quits on their romance as they continue to feud over newcomer Theo Poulos.

Theo (Matt Evans) abducted Ryder (Lukas Radovich) to take him to his surprise party, and the two battled during Ryder’s 21st birthday celebration. Before Chloe vanished, Ryder got drunk and argued with both Chloe and Theo.

While nothing happened between them, Ryder humiliated Chloe in front of his family the next day by accusing her of sleeping with his alleged love rival.


Chloe (Sam Barrett) and Ryder put their differences aside for a moment as they worry about Tane Parata and Martha Stewart, who were just admitted to the ICU following the chemical assault, in scenes slated to air in the UK on Wednesday, January 5.

When Theo comes to check on his Auntie Leah, he is overjoyed to see Chloe. He steals a flower from the bouquet he got for Leah and starts to present it to Chloe before Ryder gets in the way.

In another area of the hospital, Martha’s disturbed partner Alf (Ray Meagher) raises a commotion by refusing to leave. Ryder tries to comfort his grandfather, who says that losing his wife Martha is his greatest dread.


During that private time, Ryder considers his own love life and realises that he has to make amends with Chloe before it’s too late.

When he goes to meet Chloe, she breaks up with him, his intentions are thwarted. Surprisingly, the youth accepts Chloe’s choice maturely, recognising that their romance has run its course and that it’s probably best to terminate it now before they start resenting each other.


Does this indicate Chloe and Ryder’s romance is officially over?


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