HomeHome And AwayHome and Away Spoilers – Felicity vanishes after unmasking Tane’s stalker

Home and Away Spoilers – Felicity vanishes after unmasking Tane’s stalker

On next week’s episode of Home and Away in the UK, Felicity is stunned to learn the identify of Tane’s assailant—but will anybody believe her? In addition, Ryder and Theo take their first steps toward internet celebrity in order to raise funds…

Following the tragic chemical attack on Tane Parata (Ethan Browne) in the gym, all eyes have been on Felicity Newman (Jacqui Purvis) for the previous few weeks.

Despite the fact that Tane was the only one targeted, the pesticide moved through the ventilation system to Martha Stewart’s (Belinda Giblin) fundraiser event upstairs at Salt, forcing Martha and Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons) to battle for their lives as well.

Tane had been the focus of a weird campaign involving roses and cryptic notes that had been given to him for several weeks. His thoughts immediately went to Felicity, with whom he’d recently had casual sex before breaking things up when he realised she wanted more from the relationship.

Tane accused Flick of following him and she began to feel increasingly terrified by Tane’s presence around the bay as their relationship deteriorated over the weeks. It got to the point that she had no choice but to issue an AVO against him on the day of the chemical assault.

When Flick realised she didn’t have an alibi, she enlisted the help of her best friend and coworker Anne (Megan Smart), but she broke her word by refusing to corroborate Flick’s account when questioned by Federal Police Detective Darren Nasser (Julian Maroun). Anne apologised to Flick and explained that she was afraid, and the two reconciled.

But that didn’t assist Flick’s case, especially when Jasmine discovered a pesticide receipt in her van (Sam Frost). Despite his reservations, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) eventually came to believe in his sister’s innocence and surprised her by burning the receipt. But it was all for naught when Nasser discovered a stockpile of sedatives in Flick’s van after a police search.

Detective Nasser pulls Felicity to the police station for questioning the next week, despite her claims that she has never seen the sedatives before. While she begs Cash for assistance, it is clear that he no longer believes her, and while he tries to join Flick, Nasser warns him that doing so could jeopardise the investigation.

Nasser interrogates Flick, telling her that the most recent toxicology findings show that the chemicals discovered in the van are the same as those used on Tane. Faced with charges of attempted murder and causing great bodily injury, Flick claims that someone is framing her, but she acknowledges she has no idea who it is.

As the inquiry progresses, Nasser eventually releases Flick without charge the next morning, and Flick turns to Anne in the wake of Cash’s betrayal.

Jasmine subsequently tries to defend Cash at the surf club, claiming that he destroyed evidence for her, but Flick points out that she never ordered him to burn the receipt. Anne overhears this and inquires about what they were discussing, but Flick instructs her to mind her own business.

Shortly later, Flick notices an anonymous social media post stating that the police should be “looking into the missing charred pesticide receipt,” and she realises there’s only one person who could have written it…

As everything comes together, Flick turns to face her best friend and exclaims, “It was you… it was you all along!”

With a sardonic smirk on her face, Anne tells Flick to prove it rather than refute it.

Anne drives away quickly, but not before mocking Flick with her knowledge of what Cash did to defend her.

Cash is alarmed when Nasser notices the social media post as well. When he asks Cash if he knows anything about the allegedly destroyed evidence, Cash says he doesn’t. Later, he acknowledges to Jasmine that he wants to come clean and confess, despite her best efforts to persuade him otherwise.

Flick rushes up to Cash on the beach and yells, “I know who did it!” But, after seeing the evidence against her, Cash dismisses her and just orders a distraught Flick to go talk to the investigator.

When Cash returns to the police station, he discovers Nasser and the rest of the squad preparing to arrest Flick for attempted murder. He makes a futile attempt to stop the proceedings by repeating Flick’s claims, but to no avail. However, when they arrive at Flick’s van to take her into custody, it is completely empty.

Has Flick pulled a fast one on you?

While Flick may believe that everyone is against her, she appears to have found a sympathetic ear in an unlikely location. When Tane is freed from the hospital next week after his remarkable recovery, Detective Nasser stops by to update them on the case: Felicity has a warrant out for her arrest.

Even when another rose blooms on his porch, Tane maintains his belief that Flick is not to blame.

Despite Bella’s (Courtney Miller) pleadings, Tane’s nephew Nikau (Kawakawa Fox-Reo) remains convinced of Flick’s guilt and continues to rile up his hate campaign against her on social media.

Will Bella or Tane be able to persuade Nik to call an end to the situation before it spirals out of control?

Have you figured out what the hint is?

Despite the fact that there had been no on-screen contact between Tane and Anne until after the stalking began, there was a clue buried in plain sight during a sequence that aired two weeks ago.

Flick’s contact with Anne the morning following the incident at the surf club saw Anne wearing a pair of boots identical to the ones worn by Tane’s assailant.

Though other fans may argue that the arrival of a guest character with a connection to Flick shortly after the plot began could have also been a major signal!

Ryder (Lukas Radovich) and Chloe (Sam Barrett) have unwillingly agreed to work with Theo (Matt Evans) to earn some much-needed cash, and they’re astonished by his suggestion—social media video challenges!

Theo adds that the video he filmed on his phone the night he ‘kidnapped’ Ryder to take him to his 21st birthday celebration has been uploaded to YouTube and has received a lot of attention.

While Ryder isn’t overjoyed that his freaking out at Theo has been viewed by nearly 50,000 people, Theo points out the comments, stating that people can’t wait to see the next video featuring them both.

The following morning, Theo tries to make amends with Justin (James Stewart) by offering to clean up the garage office on his day off.

When Justin receives a text from Ryder requesting a meeting, he refuses to let him go, since he and Leah (Ada Nicodemou) are both impressed that Theo is finally making an attempt to settle down in the bay.

Ryder agrees to Theo’s notion, subject to a few stipulations, and the two begin brainstorming ideas for their first video.

With the two unable to reach an agreement, Chloe pulls a proposal from a hat, which turns out to be a chilli eating contest!

But, as Chloe watches Ryder and Theo square up and begin the challenge, none of them realises that the evening would conclude in a surprising twist…


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