Felicity meets with Jeremy, the attacker, in person the following week on Home and Away in the UK, hoping that this will be the last step towards accepting her previous attack.
A month has passed since Flick (Jacqui Purvis) confronted Jeremy Holding (James Dyke), who had been blackmailing her after the attack. He threatened to post a video of the incident online if she didn’t comply with his requests for cash.
Following several weeks of giving him more than $11,000, Flick informed Tane (Ethan Browne) that she was setting up a trap rather than complying with her most recent demand for an additional $20,000.

Flick arranged for a physical drop-off rather than a bank transfer, stuffed a bag full of junk paper into a dumpster, and waited for Jeremy to arrive.
After successfully taking pictures of him and his licence plate, Jeremy was soon being questioned by Rose (Kirsty Marillier) and Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), who discovered evidence of Felicity’s attack and multiple other incidents on his phone.

Since then, Flick and Tane have been reestablishing their relationship. However, this week, just as Tane was summoned away to attend to a family emergency in New Zealand, Flick received a startling phone call informing her that Jeremy was asking to meet with her as part of a restorative justice initiative.
Flick dismissed Tane with a wave before talking with Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) about the situation, not wanting him to postpone his trip. Surprisingly, brother Cash suggested that it would be worthwhile to investigate as a means of bringing closure when she spoke with him later.
Eden went with Flick to the city to meet the facilitator, who would determine her appropriateness, after Cash set up a meeting for her to speak through it with social worker Harper (Jessica Redmayne).
Upon her return from the city, Flick was presented with a difficult choice after learning that the facilitator had advised her to proceed. Due in part to her memory loss from the drugging, she informed a reticent Cash that she was interested in seeing the video that Jeremy had recorded with his phone. Perhaps it would be sufficient to end the matter.

But in the end, Flick decided to meet with Jeremy as she couldn’t bring herself to watch the video.
When the meeting day finally comes around the next week, Flick and Cash have already talked all night. Cash tells Eden that although Jeremy might be trying to atone, it might just be a ruse to get a lighter sentence while Felicity braces herself.

Flick encounters Amanda (Alex Malone) at the police station. Amanda was the one we last saw helping Justin with anger management therapy after his assault accusation.

Fearful when Jeremy is introduced, Flick goes into the room with Eden for support, determined to find the answers she so badly needs.

Flick asks Jeremy whether he remembers her, but Jeremy plays it cool for Amanda, sidestepping the topic and thanking them both for giving him the chance to participate in the process.
However, his sycophantic behaviour backfires, and the meeting quickly devolves into pandemonium as Jeremy plays the victim, accusing Flick of interrupting him when she presses for an answer.

When Jeremy asks Amanda to confirm that his apology would be documented, Flick storms out, probably thinking she’s going to slam Jeremy’s face against the desk like Cash was tempted to do.

Flick thinks about giving up on the plan completely, but Eden reminds her that she came for a reason—has she spoken everything she wanted to say?
A resolute Flick chooses to reenter the chamber after being inspired by Eden’s reminder of what is required to provide closure. Jeremy may be there purely to gain points, but it doesn’t matter to her; he will listen to what she has to say.
Tane, meantime, finds his house empty when he gets back from New Zealand. When Remi (Adam Rowland) sees Flick at Salt, he tells that Flick has to be in the police station for a meeting that Eden was going with her. Bewildered, Tane dashed to Yabbie Creek and arrived at the police station in time to observe Flick sitting down in front of Jeremy through the window.

When Tane becomes indignant and demands to know what the hell is going on, Eden and Cash are the ones who have to calm him down. They remind Tane that this was Flick’s decision and that she has met with a facilitator to make sure she would be able to handle it.
When Tane learns what has been going on while he has been away, he is taken aback.

Flick is demanding to know why Jeremy chose her, and this time, she isn’t taking any of his bullshit.

Flick knows she had everything she wanted and that it doesn’t even matter anymore while Jeremy tries to justify his ridiculous actions. Flick berates Jeremy, calling him a moron, nothing, and promising never to hurt anyone again.

As a victorious Flick exits the room, having found the necessary closure, Jeremy is degraded.
It takes Flick a moment to grasp that Tane is standing right in front of her when she tells Eden that it’s finally over. She exclaims, relieved, “Hey, you’re here,” as Tane gives her a hug.

As they head back to their house, Flick gushes to Tane about how beneficial the meeting was, but Tane is obviously wary, wounded that she withheld all of this information from him.
He must eventually enquire as to how she learned of it and why she chose not to tell him.

Is Flick going to have additional marital problems now that she has finally accepted her attack?