Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash discovers something unexpected: Dana herself! First, he turns the city cop in charge of Dana’s case into an adversary!

Irene (Lynne McGranger) and Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) are unaware that Harper (Jessica Redmayne) is concealing her runaway sister Dana (Ally Harris) in her Beach House room. Dana is on the run after it was alleged that she stole prescription drugs from her hospital job.
Harper has not yet acknowledged knowing Dana’s whereabouts. Dana continues to insist on her innocence, saying that Olly, her roommate and ex-boyfriend, is framing her.
When Cash eventually obtained the file, he discovered various gaps in the case, which perplexed him as he investigated the case and the city’s local area command’s refusal to provide it.

The following week, Jonny Pasvolsky’s character Detective Will Madden (searching for Cash) shows up to the Yabbie Creek police station. He’s intrigued to know why the rural police officer is now interested in Dana’s case.

Cash responds that he saw the warrant and the case appeared interesting, adding that he is astonished Madden would travel from the city to ask him that. The more he read, the more questions he had.
Madden invites Senior Constable Newman to discuss what he may have overlooked, as he is eager to learn what he has discovered.

Given that they shared a residence, Cash notes that Olly’s easy access to Dana’s medical pass was never questioned, and when Cash asked him about it, Olly was evasive.
He also queries the hospital security guard he spoke with, who said that the day of the theft’s CCTV footage is missing.

Although Madden claims that errors of that nature are frequent, Cash is already ahead of the game. After speaking with the IT firm that looks after the hospital’s system, they say that this has never happened before.

Although Madden notes that Dana’s flight is undoubtedly an indication of guilt, Cash makes it clear that scared people also flee. Madden seems sceptical of Cash’s suggestion that there may be more to the story.
Cash only responds that he wants to discover the truth when Madden asks him why he is interested in this case with a smile on his face. Before sending Cash on his way, Madden informs him with a very clear sly smirk that they could use more officers just like him.

After Cash leaves the room, Madden calls a colleague and requests that they look for whatever information they can discover about Cash.

It’s obvious that Madden is involved if Dana is really being set up!
Cash subsequently informs Harper that he believes Madden is lying about the case, and they speculate that Madden and Olly might be collaborating.

Sarge calls Cash back into the station, where he finds Madden waiting with his minion that has turned in his homework. Cash is confronted by Madden about his previous employment with Dana’s sister Harper, and Madden warns him about doing “favours” for friends.

Then, Madden starts to reveal his true nature, telling Cash to allow him to detain Dana before he gets into any serious trouble. prior to bringing up the fact that Dana’s record includes a previous drug charge.

“Oh.” As he watches Cash’s dismay at the news, Madden gloats. “Your friend failed to bring up that?”
When Cash gets to the Beach House to confront Harper, he’s shocked to learn that it’s not the only issue she hasn’t spoken about.

Will these people never learn? Cash lets himself in via the open door and is shocked to see Dana nonchalantly come out of the bedroom.

Cash has no patience for the sisters. He has not only been lying to him the entire afternoon while defending them at the station, but he and Irene are now in danger of going to jail for aiding a fugitive.

Cash informs Dana that he is forced to escort her down to the station because he thinks that the only way she can move forwards is to turn herself in and face her accusations.

Dana tells Cash he’s throwing her to the wolves as he walks her out to the car. Her previous charge was some party drugs, and since she was caught, she was able to turn her life around and enrol in college instead of becoming an addict.
She will lose everything if Cash turns her over to Detective Madden, who is obviously baiting her by using her history against her.

Will Cash be persuaded to keep assisting Dana?
If you’ve been watching the programme for a while, you might be familiar with Jonny Pasvolsky from his 2012 run. Jonny portrayed Tim Graham, the ex-boyfriend and coworker of New Yorker Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker), in seven episodes.

Tim astonished Roo by showing up in Summer Bay and declaring that he had left his wife in the hopes of making amends with Roo, since Roo had ignored his calls.
At this point, Roo was engaged to Harvey Ryan (Marcus Graham), and although she wanted to collaborate with Tim to launch a company in the city (the concept had actually been hers from the beginning), she rejected Tim when he tried to kiss her.
Roo ultimately decided to resign from her position in order to demonstrate her devotion to Harvey.