Viewers of Home and Away have been concerned about Dean and Ziggy’s future, since Dean has shut down following his recent ordeal.
Ziggy is patiently trying to reignite the flame between them, but is Dean ready?
Sophie Dillman, who plays Ziggy, tells Metro.co.uk about what’s to come, how Ziggy feels about Dean, and whether she’s enjoyed playing the character.
Is it possible for you to sum up where Ziggy and Dean are as a relationship in the lead-up to this week?
They still have a long way to go, but there is a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel!
Is it accurate to say Ziggy is annoyed?
Absolutely. She’s a mix of frustrated, anxious, scared, angry, and happy.
Do you think she’ll be able to keep her patience with Dean, or do you think this will lead to a rift between them?
We hope so, but it’s acceptable if it does cause a rift because this is a difficult situation for everyone.
Does this reassure Ziggy that Dean still has feelings for her?
Yes, but I believe it also emphasises how desperate they are to be with each other.
Things start to heat up, but Dean pulls back – how does Ziggy feel at this point?
She’s irritated, sad, enraged, and oh-so-desperate!
Can you tell us about the sequences where they have an open conversation about trying to regain the intimacy?
They were actually really difficult to do because I know how I would have those conversations with Paddy (as Sophie), but having those conversations as Ziggy and Dean is different, and doing it with someone you’re so close to, surrounded by all these people on set, was a strange mind map we had to delve into. They turned out fantastically in the end, and we had a terrific time doing it.
How does Ziggy plan to assist Dean in overcoming his phobia of driving?
She approaches Logan and seeks his advice. She both tempts and reassures him… They go at a glacial pace.

Is she proud of the progress he’s made and is making? The stairwell is a watershed moment…
She is incredibly proud of him and grateful that he is alive and well again in her life. She’s really pleased with herself.
Is there a sense that Dean is trying to do too much at once, what with driving and getting back on the water?
Yes, but Dean would never do it any other way.
Has it been a fun narrative to see unfold?
I’m a nurse by trade, so I’ve had to forget a few things about medicine in order to play this part, and it’s been a fascinating experience.
Are you glad that Home and Away is depicting the recovery process realistically rather than projecting a miraculous recovery?
Yes, I believe it is an essential tale for everyone to watch, and for anyone who has or will suffer something similar, it is crucial to understand how long it takes to heal.
It’s been fascinating to learn how Ziggy feels as the partner who is assisting the injured party?
Certainly, I haven’t had that experience. Paddy has had to take after me through a couple of operations for my endometriosis, so it’s probably the other way around. It’s really opened my eyes to how difficult it is and how much effort goes into it.
Do you believe that this strengthens Ziggy and Dean as a team – that if they can go through this, they can get through anything?
Absolutely, I believe that any couple who has to go through something like this and survives should be extremely proud of themselves.