Will love blossom once more when Rose and Mali put their discomfort behind them on the upcoming episode of Home and Away in the UK?
After spending time together to aid Xander (Luke Van Os), Rose (Kirsty Marillier) will question whether there is any chance of a reunion with ex-boyfriend Mali (Kyle Shilling) the following week. The two have been apart for weeks.
Mali insists on driving Xander back to the pier apartment after she sees him collapse in agony on the beach while surfing while recuperating from major surgery.

After being examined by resident doctor Bree (Juliet Godwin) following his illegal surf, Xander declines further medical attention or a trip to the hospital. He is after all the local paramedic with the necessary training.
The awkwardness between the two starts to lessen as Mali makes them all lunch while Rose and Mali stay behind to watch over Xander.

Only when Xander, fed up with being babysat, decides to use a little bit of sibling humiliation does the lighthearted relationship break down.

Mali is informed by Xander that Rose has been routinely perusing the Mantaray Boards social media, but he points out it’s not the store she’s been interested in viewing!

Mali tells Xander that wasn’t cool as Rose flees in horror.

Mali pursues Rose, and when he acknowledges that he has been looking at her social media accounts as well, she immediately feels better.
Could this signal the start of a new era for the couple?