While many people have recovered from the consequences of the chemical assault, others, such as Martha (Belinda Giblin), who has been undergoing kidney dialysis in the city, are still suffering. However, she has been told she can be relocated back to Northern Districts, much to Alf’s (Ray Meagher) relief – he will no longer have to divide his time between Marilyn (Emily Symons) and his wife, and Martha will be able to take advantage of the perks of being closer to home.
Martha’s illness has deteriorated to the point where she requires a kidney transplant, and Alf and Roo (Georgie Parker) are hoping that Roo will return as a match and donate a kidney to save her mother’s life. Meanwhile, when Logan comes to see Martha, he suggests that home dialysis might be an option, which might alleviate her homesickness.
Despite Alf and Roo’s reservations, Martha claims that the possibility is all she has to look forward to, and Alf vows that home dialysis will become a reality. Back at home, Roo is wary of Alf promising things he might not be able to keep. Alf is eager to bring Martha home as soon as possible, but Roo reminds him of the obstacles they must yet conquer, like converting the water and electricity, as well as covering the fees.
Alf proclaims that he doesn’t care how much it costs as long as Martha is released from the hospital. Despite wanting the same thing, both father and daughter wind up venting their emotions on each other.
In an attempt to find a solution, Roo recommends they discuss selling the house in Merimbula to fund the medical expenses. Alf reluctantly agrees to bring it up with her, but in the hospital, he withdraws from the topic because he doesn’t want to let her down.

When Roo arrives at the hospital the next morning, she finds her father distraught — the doctors have taken Martha away for more tests because she didn’t sleep well the night before.
Determined to learn more, Roo discovers that Martha’s medical team is concerned about her rapid decline, and that they are beginning to suspect she will not survive the transplant…