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Home and Away spoilers: A new doctor arrives with unexpected ties to Summer Bay

The new physician in Summer Bay is pleasant and capable, and everyone is curious to learn more about him. Will what they learn, nonetheless, please them?
This week on Home and Away, Levi (Tristan Gorey), a new physician, is called in to assist in saving the life of a beloved Summer Bay resident. He finds Dr. Bree Cameron (Juliet Godwin) when he gets there and introduces himself.

She is reassured by his assurance that he can assist. Tristan describes his character, Levi, to TV WEEK as “a driven, headstrong individual who believes hard work pays off.”
“Like most surgeons, he loves what he does and relishes the opportunity to test himself at work.”
All eyes are on him to save the day because he is one of the greatest cardiothoracic surgeons in the area.

Dana (Ally Harris), who was just given a poison injection by a vicious kidnapper, gives Levi a lot of credit for saving her life. Can he do it again in a grave scenario, though?
“The stakes are high, and if Levi can’t figure out what the problem is, there may be serious consequences for one of Summer Bay’s most-loved characters,” Tristan states.
But not everyone is happy to see Levi, even with his reputation. It quickly becomes apparent that he has connections to the locals as he settles into life in the Bay.
His appearance sparks a heated confrontation as word gets out. What has he done, and to whom, is the question.


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