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Home and Away: Roo wants to make the ultimate sacrifice to save Martha’s life, but will her mother allow it?

As Martha’s illness worsens, the Stewarts are confronted with even more difficult decisions this week. Now, Roo might be the key to her survival, but she’ll have to make a major personal sacrifice.

While listening to the doctor’s instructions, Alf (Ray Meagher) attempts to keep a weaker Martha (Belinda Giblin) in good spirits at the hospital.

Logan (Harley Bonner), who has been treating Martha since her admittance to the hospital, discovers that she urgently requires a kidney transplant. She can, however, continue dialysis at home provided they are able to make the necessary accommodations.

“Martha’s health has drastically worsened since the incident,” Georgie tells TV WEEK. “They’ve been worried about her and want her to get better. But, sadly, there isn’t a quick resolution for this problem.”

Alf has a new goal to bring his wife home for a short time. Roo (Georgie Parker) aspires to be a match for her mother’s kidney donation, but cautions her father against getting his hopes up. Overwhelmed, Alf unleashes his rage – he’s bringing Martha home! He’ll have to.

The Stewarts get fantastic news the next morning: Roo is a match, and there’s a slot open for surgery this week! Alf breathes a sigh of relief… Martha, on the other hand, is not delighted.

If Roo gives her kidney, she will have health problems for the rest of her life. She also despises the thought of robbing her daughter of an organ.

Roo claims she will carefully evaluate her alternatives, but she has already made up her mind. There is no other option.

“The Stewart family had been away for so many years,” Georgie explains, “that since Alf and Martha found their way back to each other, the family has been so joyful.” “They couldn’t bear the thought of losing Martha again.”

Martha, on the other hand, begins arranging funeral arrangements from her hospital bed after Alf and Roo have returned home.

“Martha doesn’t want Roo to go to such lengths…” Georgie clarifies.

Has she surrendered?


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