HomeHome And Away9 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

9 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week

After solving the stalker mystery next week on Home and Away, Felicity fights to prove her innocence.

In other news, Nikau and Bella’s relationship is once again strained, while Dean and Ziggy are confronted with a new romantic difficulty.

Here’s a complete list of the nine major events coming up.

1. Felicity figures out who is stalking her

Felicity is feeling under siege from all sides, as the police continue to build a case against her for the gas attack and Nikau continues to taunt her online.

When one of the online trolls cites the incriminating pesticides receipt that Cash destroyed to protect Felicity, the situation becomes much worse. Felicity deduces that Anne must be to blame because she was one of the only individuals who knew about it.

Felicity realises that Anne is the stalker who tried to kill Tane, as well as the person who has been framing her. Anne’s demeanour shifts when she is confronted, as she prods Felicity to prove it.

2. Felicity vanishes after Cash casts doubt on her

Felicity hurries over to Cash to inform him of her startling finding. Cash is sceptical right away, pointing out that they don’t have a lot of evidence. He also says that he isn’t completely persuaded that Felicity is innocent.

Later, the cops decide that they have enough evidence against Felicity and rush in to arrest her. However, when Felicity is nowhere to be found at the trailer site, a fresh mystery emerges.

Detective Nasser, Cash’s superior officer, accuses him of assisting his sister in eluding capture. Cash, on the other hand, has no idea where Felicity is.

3. Tane’s stalker has struck once more

Tane returns home from the hospital, but is horrified to discover that Felicity has a warrant out for her arrest. He’s still not certain Felicity was the one who attempted to kill him.

Tane later receives another red rose, this time with an ominous note reading, “See you soon.”

4. Nikau pushes his family away

Nikau continues to abuse Felicity with online posts, mistakenly believing she is Tane’s stalker and deserving of everything she receives. Tane has to explain the stalker’s latest insult to his loved ones when they discover the red rose in the rubbish at home. Nikau jumps to another accusation against Felicity.

Bella is torn between Nikau’s obsession with the task and her own feelings for him. Not only does she think Nikau’s defamatory tweets are unjust, but she also fears that history is repeating itself as she loses her partner to social media once more.

Bella, Ari, and Tane all pleading with Nikau to halt his vengeance before things get out of hand.

5. Ryder and Theo team up

Ryder and Theo are taken aback when their internet prank film goes viral. Theo now sees a potential to make and monetize more videos.

While Ryder despises Theo, he recognises the potential in this social media collaboration, and the boys start to work on their next challenge right once.

6. Theo and Chloe succumb to persuasion

In their following video, Theo and Ryder partake in a chilli-eating contest. Ryder is determined to defeat Theo, so he stuffs the chillies into his face before dashing into the bathroom to puke.

While Ryder is in the bathroom, Theo takes advantage of his big chance to kiss Chloe after weeks of flirting.

7. Marilyn screams at John

Marilyn is still recovering in the hospital after her unexpected breakdown. The sensation in her legs is slowly returning, despite the fact that she is now conscious.

When John pays her a visit, Marilyn is enraged, claiming that her health is none of his business. Everyone is perplexed by this, as Marilyn and John had been friendly for quite some time. The Summer Bay favourites appear to be coping with a brand-new Marilyn.

8. Marilyn’s out-of-character behaviour continues to plague her

Marilyn is in for further surprises when she leaves the hospital without notifying anyone. On her travels, she runs into Ziggy and Dean and tries to ask them out for breakfast, which is unusual because they don’t generally spend time together socially.

Marilyn later drinks a martini early in the day and, despite being a strict vegetarian, insists on a beef burger at the Diner. Marilyn’s friends become increasingly convinced that there is something wrong with her.

9. Dean makes an effort to speed up his recovery

Dean and Ziggy haven’t slept together since Dean was involved in the crash, and they miss being intimate with each other. Dean tells Logan about it and asks him when he’ll be ready. Logan speculates that if Dean can climb a flight of stairs on his own, he’ll be able to have sex.

Later, Ziggy notices Dean struggle up the stairs to Salt, and it’s evident that he’s not up to the task. Both agree that they want to be together again after Dean reveals why he was so focused on this quest.


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