HomeHome And AwayHome and Away's Marilyn sparks more concern in 34 spoiler pictures

Home and Away’s Marilyn sparks more concern in 34 spoiler pictures

Your complete gallery of images indicating what’s coming up on UK TVs starting Monday, January 31.

Tuesday, February 1:

Mia and Ari are at the beach when Theo notices them. They happen to cross paths by happenstance.

Theo is eager to meet Chloe. Following their previous kiss, he’s anxious to spend more time with her.


Chloe is covered by Mia and Ari. They inform Theo that Chloe is busy because they know she doesn’t want to be bothered by him.

Wednesday, February 2:

Irene and Chloe had a conversation. Matthew, Chloe’s father, is surreptitiously listening in.

Matthew overhears Irene addressing Chloe by her given name. This is his long-lost daughter, he realises.


Matthew is ready to take control of the situation. Mia has advised Matthew to avoid Chloe, but he has other plans.

Chloe has a lot of lugging to do. She’s busy today with a variety of business-related tasks.


Matthew comes closer. He offers Chloe his assistance.

Mia tries to scare Matthew away. She doesn’t want Matthew to be around Chloe in any way.

Mia is uneasy in Matthew’s presence. She informs him that she didn’t consent to Chloe’s conception the night before.

Matthew raises his voice in protest. He lies about what happened that night, but Mia cautions him that if he doesn’t want the truth to come out, he should back off.


Marilyn is looking for a new beginning. She has left the Diner and plans to open her own business.

Marilyn is helped by Ryder. For tarot card readings, Marilyn will charge a fee.

Marilyn is the subject of everyone’s concern. Her behaviour has recently become much more impulsive.

Irene has a conversation with Ryder. Marilyn’s new venture has piqued her interest, but she is wary.


Thursday, February 3:

Irene’s most recent scheme has backfired. Irene requested that Logan have a tarot reading from Marilyn so that he could analyse her. Marilyn, on the other hand, reacted angrily when she realised Logan was deceiving her.

Logan communicates with the rest of the group. Marilyn’s peculiar behaviour, he claims, could be psychological.

Irene is in a state of despair. After being duped, Marilyn has lost faith in all of her close ones.

Justin is the one who Ziggy confides in regarding Dean. Dean is making progress in his recovery, but there is still a long way to go before he can get back on a surfboard, she explains.

Dean undertakes a difficult undertaking. Mac wants to fire Bella from Salt, and Dean volunteers to do it.

Dean informs Bella that she will be fired. He hopes Bella will be receptive to the news.

Bella is taken aback. Dean does not receive the answer he had hoped for.

Bella sobs uncontrollably. It’s evident that she’s in a vulnerable position right now.

Dean and Ziggy are taken aback. Can they persuade Bella to change her mind?

Friday, February 4:

Nikau has some wonderful news to share. Following his recent surf lifesaving training, he earns his first aid certificate.

Dean and Ziggy become Bella’s confidants. She explains why she reacted inappropriately when she was dismissed.

Bella is having a hard time. She admits to being concerned that she will not fit in anywhere.

Dean strives to make progress. He tries to get back on a surfboard for the first time.

Dean makes an attempt to stand up on the board. He wishes for the best outcome.

Dean is knocked out. He isn’t quite ready to surf yet.

Dean collapses on the floor in anguish. It’s a crushing setback for him.

Marilyn is Leah’s best friend, and she tries to be a nice friend to her. The two have been conversing all night.

Marilyn appreciates Leah’s assistance. She believes that no one else has been paying attention to her.

Leah is troubled by Marilyn’s frequent presence. Justin wants to get away from Marilyn, while Leah wants to be by her side.


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