HomeHome And AwayHome and Away star hints at possible death in season finale

Home and Away star hints at possible death in season finale

Actor Adam Rowland of Home and Away has hinted that a startling death could occur at the end of the soap opera this year.

TV Week magazine has revealed several teasers ahead of this week’s Australian airing of the 2023 season finale.

The main plot revolves around Eden Fowler and Cash Newman’s decision to embark on a romantic vacation in order to escape their recent troubles. When Eden learns that they’re going camping, she can hardly contain her displeasure, while Cash is ecstatic.

In the meantime, Remi Carter is informed by Bree Cameron that she wants to join Doctors Without Borders and that she wants him to come as well, but he isn’t sure what to do because he is focused on his music and believes that she needs to take care of herself first.

Eden phones him to let him know that she wants to leave the campsite because she feels like they should talk about the problem. Unbeknownst to them both, Cash has listened in on their talk.

Remi boards his motorcycle to go collect Eden, but en route he is struck by a car in which two men are fighting violently behind the wheel.

The actor who plays Remi, Adam, hinted that there would be a huge catastrophe, saying, “After a collision like that, it would seem entirely likely no-one would survive.”

Will Remi make it through? And what is the dispute between the two men, and who are they?

In Australia, these scenes represent the end of the year, however in the UK, new episodes are no longer aired; instead, themed classic episodes are available for streaming. The plot will conclude early in 2019 for viewers in the UK.


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