Following his investigation into Ari’s background, Matthew begins to show his true colours, while Ryder is forced to swallow his pride for the sake of his family on next week’s episode of Home and Away in the UK…
Last week, Chloe Anderson’s (Sam Barrett) world was turned upside down when she first saw her father Matthew Montgomery (James Sweeny).
Matthew had recently tracked down Mia (Anna Samson), Chloe’s mother, more than two decades after their last touch, and was eager to meet the daughter he’d never met.

Mia subsequently disclosed to lover Ari (Rob Kipa-Williams) that Chloe was conceived as a result of Matthew sexually assaulting her while she was severely inebriated at a party, and that while Matthew’s parents had paid for an abortion, Mia had departed town without having it done.
Despite Matthew’s denials of her assault accusations, Mia threatened to reveal her storey of what happened that night if he didn’t leave town, which would jeopardise his future as a barrister.
Despite this, Matthew approached Chloe, and Chloe ignored Mia’s wishes by meeting with Matthew to hear him out. When Mia tried to prevent Chloe from seeing him again, Chloe asked that Mia provide her with a valid explanation.

Chloe didn’t find the answers she was looking for because Mia refused to tell her that she was the product of abuse, so she determined to keep seeing her father.
This week, tensions between Chloe and her ex-boyfriend Ryder have increased even further (Lukas Radovich). After confronting her about her kiss with Theo (Matt Evans), Ryder is forced to receive a slew of calls from disgruntled customers whose purchases had been cancelled the night before when Chloe found the truth about Matthew.
Ryder argues with Chloe in the diner before Matthew intervenes, upset that she hadn’t told him. Matthew decides to make an offer as Chloe continues to grumble about having to continue working with Ryder in order to pay off their debt.

Chloe arranges to meet Ryder again, handing him a check for her portion of the debt and telling him she wants him out of the company!
Ryder refuses to take money from Chloe for his part despite Chloe’s request, so Chloe arranges for the paperwork to be drawn out.

When Mia discovers that Chloe’s unexpected windfall came from Matthew, she is enraged, claiming that Matthew is plainly attempting to buy his way into Chloe’s life.

When Matthew returns to the house to pick up Chloe, Ari threatens Matthew once more to keep away from his family, but both Chloe and Mia can see where things are going because Matthew is not scared by Ari.

Ari has stunned Matthew with a punch to the face before they can stop him.

Tane arrives just in time to break up the fight, just as Matthew cautions Ari that he’s made a huge mistake.

Chloe apologises for Ari’s behaviour before leaving with Matthew, much to Mia’s chagrin.

Later, when Matthew questions Chloe about the guy who raised her, she reveals that Ari and Mia were not always together.
Matthew investigates Chloe’s ambiguity about why Ari hasn’t been around for a while, and he soon learns of Ari’s incarceration for armed robbery.
With the upper hand, Matthew turns on Mia, warning her that if she attempts to prevent him from seeing Chloe, he’ll file criminal charges against Ari, potentially putting him back in prison.

Mia is horrified that Ari has put them in such a difficult situation as she sees Chloe get into Matthew’s car from afar.
Will Mia put her life on the line in order to tell Chloe the truth about her father?