Star of Home and Away Kirsty Marillier saw her father on screen four years ago and had one request in particular.
The actress debuted in 2022 as Rose Delaney, a character who has been searching for her biological father in more recent episodes. If Rose wanted to find her father, her boyfriend Mali urged her to do so, even if her half-brother Xander (Luke Van Os) was vehemently against the notion.
Rose informed Mali during Wednesday’s episode (October 11) that she had written a letter to a guy she believed to be her father, Samuel, and had dropped it off at his residence. Samuel called Rose immediately afterwards to tell her he wanted to meet his daughter, thus it was evident the letter ended up in the proper hands.
“I saw him [Bert] on stage in a production in Melbourne a few years ago and he was so terrific in it,” the actor stated to Stuff. “I went up to him afterwards and said, ‘I want you to play my dad in something’.”

For Kirsty, it was a real dream come true, she continued, “That was in 2019.” I thought to myself, “Oh my god, I have to play his daughter and act with him in something,” and I now have.”
“Rose is very disconnected from her African heritage and I think that this really does spark a journey for her,” the actress continued, shedding light on Rose’s ancestry. It revealed something to her that she didn’t know she needed, and I believe that can be really upsetting for anyone at any time.

She has a strong sense of self, but even though she was raised in a loving, supportive household, there was one thing she never knew about herself: who her biological father was.” Kirsty talked about the feelings Rose had when she first met Samuel.
“I think that can be painful,” she continued. It has the potential to be incisive, depressing, and incite wrath. It has the power to evoke a wide range of feelings in people.

It could arouse intense anger or intense despair. It might mention both at once. It can also make you happy.”