HomeHome And AwayHome and Away Remi star had completely different career which ended after...

Home and Away Remi star had completely different career which ended after horror injury

Prior to sustaining a shoulder injury when he was younger, Australian Rules football player Adam Rowland, star of Home and Away, was an avid participant.

The actor made his acting debut in July 2022 as the guitarist Remi Carter, but had his sporting career not been cut short, his life would have taken a totally different course.

Adam participated in basketball and other sports as a child. He has also run four marathons and completed triathlons.

But from the time he was six years old until he was 23, he mainly played Aussie Rules football.

It wasn’t until a shoulder injury prevented him from pursuing a bright career in the sport that he could focus on acting.

Being on stage was nothing new to Adam, a gifted musician who had grown up playing the guitar.

This ultimately resulted in him getting the role of Remi, who frequently displays his musical abilities on stage with Lyrik.

Since he brought Mercedes Da Silva (Amali Golden) to the Bay to help the Bay win the Battle of the Bands, the character has a lot to cope with this week on the soap opera.

He arranged for Mercedes to stay with Felicity Newman (Jacqui Purvis) after pleading with Mercedes to give his erratic band another chance, angering Eden Fowler (Stephanie Panozzo), who has a tangled past with the newcomer.

Remi’s fiancée Bree Cameron (Juliet Godwin), who questioned him about his tight friendship with the violinist, was also curious about Mercedes’ visit.

Adam acknowledged that he was anxious when he got the role of Remi despite having had acted on a number of TV shows, including Neighbours, a former soap rival.

He admitted to Yahoo Lifestyle, “I received an audition come through in approximately December. They called me a little over three weeks later and flew me up to Sydney.

“I was quite anxious when I first entered the Sydney studio. Everyone I auditioned with was great, and we all genuinely could have played in the same band.

“Yeah, we produced the cassette. I took a flight home. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it when I got the call two days later informing me that I had been accepted into the band. You are now in Lyrik.


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