HomeHome And AwayAn Exciting new promo is out as Dean calls on the River...

An Exciting new promo is out as Dean calls on the River Boys in new Home and Away promo

The River Boys are returning to Summer Bay to help Mackenzie with her newest problem, according to a new Home and Away trailer.

View the entire promo further down the page.

Before you get your hopes up, it appears that Dean will not be enlisting the help of Heath Braxton this time, but rather a group of River Boys from the Mangrove River gang, as they prepare to face PK (Ryan Johnson) and his heavies.

Mackenzie just hosted her first poker night in order to pay off her business obligations and keep Salt afloat, as seen by UK viewers. Australian viewers, on the other hand, are several weeks ahead of schedule and are currently witnessing Mac become increasingly out of her depth as she becomes addicted to the excitement of hosting game after game.

In recent episodes, PK, a rumoured high roller, convinced Mac to throw a secret poker game with a limited number of participants, each of whom would spend $5,000 to buy in.

Previously, Mac had the support of Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) and Ryder (Lukas Radovich), but Ryder has lately left for a job on a cruise ship, and PK has ordered Felicity to sit out the game because she is the sister of a cop.

PK lied to Mac in the most recent episode, which aired in Australia on Wednesday, by telling her that the home had lost, which meant she owed him $100,000.

He offered to pay off her debt if she stayed the night with him in her hotel room.

“One night with me will solve all your troubles.”

Mackenzie tried to persuade him to repay their debts by offering him the $50,000 buy-in from the players, a payment plan, and even a stake in Salt, but he refused and claimed that one night with him would make them equal.

Mackenzie later broke down at the beach when she ran into Ziggy and Dean, claiming that she had made a last-minute decision not to sleep with PK. She did, however, send up the $50,000, indicating that the business is still in debt and that she owes PK another $50,000.

Dean (Patrick O’Connor) was tasked with informing his sister that she had been duped. The house can’t lose at poker, thus she has no obligation to PK or the other players.

He explained, “It was a con.” “PK lied to you, you didn’t lose any money last night.” It’s not possible for the house to lose at poker.”

We witness the aftermath in a promo that ran after the show, and things are about to get dangerous as Mackenzie enacts a plot of revenge that will “lead to slaughter.”

Mackenzie told Dean and Ziggy at the end of the episode that they’re “going to play him at his own game.”

However, it appears that PK will not appreciate her retribution scheme.

A sequence of dramatic pictures show a swarm of heavies destroying Salt, forcing Dean and Mackenzie to kneel in the middle of the restaurant, their hands raised over their heads.

As the men wreck the bar around them, the half-siblings exchange worrisome looks, and Mackenzie flinches as a glass smashes against the wall.

The bar isn’t the only thing in jeopardy; with Dean assisting his sister, things are going to get very personal.

The next scene shows Dean staring at a photograph of his son, Jai, in the Surf Club (River Jarvis).

As he looks up, he has a fearful and angry expression on his face — has the photo been left at his office as a threat?

He leaps towards PK and grabs his suit jacket in the next scene.

“If you have caused him harm…”


Logan (Harley Bonner) also appears to be on the verge of learning the truth. “So you’ve been lying to me for weeks?” he says a tearful Mackenzie in the ad, as they sit in Salt.

What would happen if Mackenzie truly did spend the night with PK to get herself out of trouble?

Will the revelation kill their relationship nonetheless, given Mackenzie’s failure to even mention any of her poker sessions to her boyfriend, let alone her proposal from PK?

Logan is concerned about more than Mackenzie’s deception. In last week’s episodes, he was driving the automobile that collided with Millie (Zara Zoe), leaving her hospitalised and murdering the passenger, Millie’s best friend, Jo. As the plot unfolds, we witness Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) and Logan conversing.

“So you’re claiming I caused this accident?” “It’s starting to seem that way,” Cash says in response to Logan’s question.

Could either storyline be setting the way for Logan’s departure from Home and Away later this year?
Tane is also caught up in Mackenzie’s debt problem, as if that wasn’t enough.


“Will Tane suffer for Mackenzie’s crimes?” says a spoiler for the first of next Thursday’s tripe episodes (19th May).

While the heavies seemed to leave Mackenzie and Dean alone as they crushed up Salt, Tane may not be so fortunate.

One of the men kicks and punches him in the promo, before a suited man who appears to be PK jumps in and drags the man away.

Isn’t even PK aware that this is going too far?



Tane writhes in agony on the floor, where Felicity later discovers him.

As her lover lies heavily battered on the floor, she cries for someone to call an ambulance.


Is Tane going to be okay?

Logan may not agree with Mackenzie’s conduct, but he is still a doctor and a dedicated member of the Summer Bay community who wishes to assist.

“Can Logan’s sacrifice save Tane’s life?” says a spoiler for the second of next Thursday’s episodes. – What kind of price will he have to pay?

Then comes the moment when Dean makes a desperate attempt to assist his sister.

The last episode of next Thursday’s triple bill promises that “Dean plots revenge,” and the teaser now reveals that he seeks assistance from his old Mangrove River pals, the River Boys.

“Do you mean the River Boys?” “Are you serious?” Ziggy says, perplexed.

Dean and three of his old gang pals arrive up in Summer Bay and step out of the car in the emotional promo’s final shots.


“What did you do?” a horrified Ziggy asks as they open the boot and we watch Dean and a long-haired gang member gawk at what’s inside.

We can’t believe it’s anything pleasant, given the River Boys’ past in Summer Bay…

Dean has gone to great lengths to protect his sister.

Millie, a newcomer, gets into problems in the sea off Summer Bay in the promo.

Millie struggling underwater was initially seen in a previous promo that aired last week, but the new promo goes into greater detail.


As Bella (Courtney Miller) watches from the shore, Nikau (Kawakawa Rox-Reo) notices her in trouble and blasts his whistle before running into the ocean.

Will Millie make it?

Another scene depicts Theo (Matt Evans) and Chloe’s romance (Sam Barrett). Theo began flirting with Chloe as soon as he arrived in Summer Bay, but she was with Ryder (Lukas Radovich) at the time and originally showed no interest.

His charisma soon won her over, and they became friends, which enraged Ryder and contributed to their breakup. During one of Ryder and Theo’s online challenges, the two enjoyed a quick kiss while Ryder was unwell.


While Chloe was dealing with Ari’s (Rob Kipa-Williams) death, they slept together, giving Theo hope that they may be more than friends. Chloe, on the other hand, promptly shut him down and made it obvious to Theo and everyone else present that their night together had been a mistake.

She had a change of heart recently, and the two kissed once more.

Theo leads a blindfolded Chloe along the beach in the promo, before removing the blindfold to reveal a picnic beneath an improvised structure with pillows, his guitar, and flowers.


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