Home and Away’s Roo Stewart and her family have had a ‘tumultuous’ five months, according to Georgie Parker!
After Roo’s mother, Martha Stewart (Belinda Giblin), developed kidney failure as a result of a poisonous gas assault at Salt, Roo offered herself as a kidney donor.
Martha abruptly dropped out of the transplant, much to the dismay of Roo and his father, Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher).
Roo has battled with Martha’s attitude, Georgie told What To Watch.
“She doesn’t understand why she went to all the work of figuring out who was suitable to be a donor, then changed her mind when Roo was all ready to go to theatre,” Georgie added.
“It’s as though Roo wants to abandon her once more.”
Martha vanished when Roo was a child and was thought to have died, but she reappeared four years ago, alive and well.
“It’s not every day that your mother reappears after pretending her own death!” Georgie concurred.
“You can’t envision these ladies being together in many respects because they’re not just so different, but they also don’t know each other.”
“Roo wants to see her parents happy because Alf adores Martha. However, as a woman in her fifties, she is unsure where she belongs.
“I believe their relationship is always complicated,”

Alf and Martha had been at their house in Merimbula, where Roo and Martha are at differences over Martha’s decision to backtrack on the op.
When Roo receives a call from Alf informing her that Martha has taken a severe turn, she has no idea what’s going on.
Martha returns to the Bay with Alf after being released from the hospital because she has something HUGE to tell her daughter…
“At long last, Martha admits she needs Roo’s kidney!” Georgie revealed herself.
“It takes her a while to feel comfortable telling Roo the truth since she’s embarrassed to admit she’s terrified and wants to live.”
“Martha realises she has a second opportunity with Alf, and she intends to take use of it.”
“Roo is relieved, but the drama might have been avoided!” Things have become more complicated as a result of the lost time, but everything will be OK in the end.”

Although Martha and Roo’s transplant tale focuses on their connection, Georgie admitted she has firsthand experience with the organ donation process.
“It’s not really a medical tale,” she explained, “but I’d want to play a little more of that because I have a buddy who was a kidney donor.”
“I was aware of all the measures she had to take to prepare to be a donor, as well as the time it took her to recuperate.”
“Of course, in a serial drama, everything is hurried up. Roo appears to be recovering quickly after the operation!
“However, knowing someone who had been through it was extremely beneficial.” And knowing that this woman, who is a year my junior, is in excellent health.”
Georgie revealed that the Stewart family will finally be able to relax after months of hardship, but she also hinted at something BIG in the works!
“There are a lot of interesting turns in the donor tale, and the Stewarts end up in a much happier place.”
But there’s something important going on right now that I can’t discuss!” Georgie was teasing.
We asked Georgie about Roo’s future plans after months of family anguish…
“Roo is going through some adjustments right now. “There isn’t love yet,” she said, “but there are certain changes that are fun.”
“She does becoming less of the woman who follows her mother and father around.” She now has her own room!
“I’ll be speaking with the chief writer in two or three months, so I’m aware that something is happening, but I’m not sure what.”