In today’s episode of Home and Away (1.45pm on Channel 5), Marilyn Chambers is thrilled that a reporter wants to write a story about her battle against Stunning Organics. For a complete listing, consult our TV Guide.
When she sees the story that calls her a hero, she is overjoyed! And a true Australian fighter.
But later, she tells Alf and Roo that some of the brand ambassador page’s remarks are far less complimentary.
Roo tries to persuade her pal to take a break from social media, but it’s too late. Because Marilyn is startled when an ominous voicemail threatens her and her friends, telling them to “watch their backs”!
Are any of them in peril?

Leah is listening to Esther’s account of her protracted search for her son as Justin tries to reassure Andrew, who is anxious about seeing his mother again.
Andrew is persuaded to return home by Justin, and Esther joins the family for dinner. However, things are still a touch tense, so Leah and Justin are taken aback the next day when Andrew declares that he is moving in with his mother.
The couple grieved goodbye to the troublesome child.

Tane is not willing to leave the houseboat with her cousin Kahu. Kahu eventually consents to tell his mother the truth and try to make things right after witnessing his cousin’s obstinacy.
Kahu needs Tane’s support, so he initially offers to pay for his journey home before changing his mind and saying he’ll be joining them.