HomeHome And AwayHome and Away Spoilers – Felicity dupes Cash for cash

Home and Away Spoilers – Felicity dupes Cash for cash

As the pressure on Felicity grows this week on Home and Away in Australia, she turns to desperate methods.

This week, Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) has to lie to her own family in order to raise an additional $10,000 to pay off her assailant.

If getting poisoned and assaulted during the Battle of the Bands competition wasn’t bad enough, the evil person who did it also took pictures and videos of Flick while she was unconscious and threatened to make them public unless she paid up.

When Flick got the first message, she quickly alerted her husband Tane (Ethan Browne), and she was determined that she didn’t want the police to get involved.

She didn’t want her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright), who has mysteriously been authorised to work on the case, to ever watch it since not only would doing so increase the likelihood that the assailant would learn about it and post the film anyhow.

Tane reluctantly agreed with Flick’s choice and deposited $1000 to the bank account provided in the hopes that it would be the end of the matter.

Naturally, as can be expected, it wasn’t.

A second communication was sent to Flick last week informing him that the video’s worth had recently risen to a stunning $10,000. There was no doubt in Flick’s mind that they had to pay him, despite Tane’s opinion that it would be unwise to give in to his demands once more given that he could simply return repeatedly and make new ones.

In a preview for this week’s episodes, Flick complains to Tane that “He’s forcing me to relive it, every time he decides he wants more money.” I’m sick to death of playing the victim.

Later, Remi (Adam Rowland) is shown embracing Flick after she has worked herself up outside the surf club and saying, “I feel like I’m drowning.”

Flick and Tane consent to disregard the attacker’s demands in the hopes of calling his bluff, according to TV Week. But when a second message says they have until 9 a.m. tomorrow to find the money, it seems Flick can’t take the chance.

In an effort to obtain a loan, Flick schedules a meeting with the bank. While doing so, he occasionally glances at the money in Salt’s till.

Flick spots an opportunity for the company to make some money, though, and considers holding the album launch party in Salt after she overhears Remi and the band discussing it.

However, it appears that “band manager” Justin (James Stewart) and Remi have their sights set on something more significant, which means that Flick’s scheme is unsuccessful.

In desperation, Flick goes to Cash. She isn’t going to reveal what’s happening, though. Instead, when she pays him a visit at the police station, Flick asks him for a $10,000 loan because she needs to assist Lyrik with the album release.

Cash has been frustrated by his sister’s and Tane’s silence over something that he knows has been going on with her. Cash consents to lend Flick the money despite his worries that she is not being honest with him.

But given that Cash is dating one of the band members, Flick is quickly exposed.

Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) tells Cash that she has no idea what he’s talking about when he suggests that she might have approached him directly if the band needed money. Flick had offered Salt for the launch celebration, but they had declined her.

Cash recognises right away that his own sister has duped him!

Will Flick ultimately admit the threats were real and offer an explanation for how she got into this situation?

This week, John (Shane Withington), who is prepared to move out, struggles to tell Irene (Lynne McGranger).

Since the explosion that sent him to the hospital last month, John has been residing at the Beach House with Irene. He had a heart attack and realised he didn’t want to return to an empty house; Irene then offered to have him stay with her.

Everyone was surprised by how well the unusual housemates got along, and many people, including John’s ex-wife Marilyn (Emily Symons), started to think that they were dating.

Irene made the decision to play into Summer Bay’s assumptions by enticing John in for a hug or a kiss on the cheek whenever she had the chance, irritated by the fact that no one had really asked them if they were dating and had instead come to their own conclusions.

In the end, when an irate Marilyn finally snapped and confronted them, the truth was out.

When John returns from his son Jett’s (Will McDonald) wedding this week, he thinks it’s time to leave the Beach House since he feels much better and is prepared to move in.

When he returns to the bay, though, he discovers that Irene is happy to see him. She tells him how calm it has been there without him and has already prepared their meals for the coming week.

According to TV Week, John musters the fortitude to tell Irene he is leaving. She initially accepts the news well, but it quickly becomes apparent that she is in pain.

Irene is she alone?


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