Dean (Patrick O’Connor) refuses to take his pain medicine and rapidly gets into confrontations with Ziggy (Sophie Dillman), Mackenzie (Emily Weir), and Logan (Harley Bonner) over it on this week’s episode of Home and Away. Dean finally begs Ziggy to leave her own house since the situation has become so tense…
Tane (Ethan Browne) believes Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) is giving him flowers anonymously, and confronts her about it. Before filing a police complaint, Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) informs Tane that he needs solid proof, so Tane goes through Felicity’s rubbish to locate it…
Meanwhile, Justin (James Stewart) is suspicious of Leah’s (Ada Nicodemou) nephew Theo (Matt Evans), who grudgingly admits to defrauding clients at his former job and then inexplicably turns up at the home wounded. Leah, on the other hand, is not amused by her partner’s concerns…
Here’s what’s on Home and Away this week, starting Monday, October 25.
Logan and Mackenzie try all they can to encourage Dean to take his medicine

Mackenzie visits the Farmhouse to give Ziggy a respite from Dean’s constant attention. Logan visits them the next day to check how they’re doing, but Dean refuses to take his pain medicine. When Logan probes a little further, he discovers that Dean was once hooked to hospital-grade opioids, and he doesn’t want to go down that path again…
Dean requests Ziggy’s departure, and she goes for Coco, Queensland
As Dean’s rehabilitation progresses, he confides in Logan and Mackenzie that he believes his relationship with Ziggy will be jeopardised if they begin with her caring for him. He informs Ziggy that she has to go away for a time so he can concentrate on getting healthy, and she travels to visit Coco in Queensland until he says she may come home…
Tane digging into Felicity’s rubbish infuriates her

Tane believes Felicity can’t get enough of him and has started giving him roses. He confronts her about a box of flowers that appeared at the Gym for him, but she insists she has no knowledge of it. Tane can’t file a police report without sufficient proof, according to Cash. Later, Felicity is furious to see Tane rummaging through the rubbish next to her van, looking for evidence that she’s been mailing him hidden gifts…
During a shady money deal, Ari is confronted with his history

Ari and Mia had recently made arrangements to purchase Jasmine’s gym, but Ari is taken aback when Mia shows up with the cash from the armed robbery that placed him in jail. She is eager to sign the contract, but Ari realises that he will have to make a shady arrangement with some people who can help him make the money legal. Ari is faced with a difficult decision as he is faced with the prospect of returning to prison. Will he accept the chance to keep Mia in his life?
In a terrible mix-up, Justin accepts Tori’s employment interview
Tori is ecstatic to discover she’s advanced to the next phase of the London job interview, but Christian is startled to see Tori revising her notes in the middle of the night, just before the major video chat with a panel. Tori is eating breakfast in her dressing gown as Christian returns after an emergency call in the morning. He’s perplexed; shouldn’t the interview be starting soon? Tori gets panicked when she realises she has miscalculated the time difference and rushes to get dressed, while Justin delves into Tori’s laptop to take her incoming call…
Alf is concerned about his marriage as Martha becomes increasingly distant
Roo and Martha have been planning the huge mental health fundraiser for weeks. They settle on a black tie event and try to think of a name for it. Alf attempts to provide ideas, but it’s evident that he isn’t as happy as his wife and daughter. Marilyn observes that Alf does not appear to be his typical self the next morning, and he responds that it has been difficult to see Martha – she has been aloof while she organises the celebration.
Justin and Leah’s relationship is on the rocks, and they’re fighting about Theo?

After storming out of the home and refusing to take her calls, Leah has been worried about her nephew Theo. Justin, on the other hand, claims she shouldn’t be concerned because he’s 20 years old and capable of taking care of himself. When Theo stumbles in during Tori’s job interview, covered in face injuries, the two are on bad terms. He claims he was carjacked while resting in his truck after being patched up, but Justin feels he’s not telling the truth and informs Leah. His companion, on the other hand, is less than pleased to learn of his suspicions…
John is taken aback and ends up spending a lot of money
When Roo starts publicising the black-tie event, John quickly fills an entire table of six. He realises he has no clue how to fill the seats, and Roo advises him to contact her as soon as possible to let her know who will be joining him. He approaches Justin and Leah, but they are undecided about going.
Ryder is up next, reminding him that he’s poor and in debt. Will John be able to fill the seats on the big night, or will he appear like a fool in front of everyone?